Torino, part 1

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(I own this image.)

"Momma, can we get ice cream when your done?"

"Sure, Sasha. I'll be done in a few minutes, dont leave the car."

The driver door slammed shut as Sasha's mother walked away heading to a slightly large building.

Sasha was sitting in her boster seat In the back of the car with her stuffed bunny, Torino.  Named after the hero she met at the park. He was the one who gifted her the bunny on her birthday.

Torino was midsize with white soft fur, dark blue beady eyes and a yellow Cape, Sasha made it to match her hero's cape.

Sasha squeezed torino tight in her arms as she looked out the window, waiting patiently. Before she knew it she'd fallen asleep.

When she woke up, she looked at the clock in the middle console of the car. Sash was just learning how to read a clock. The short hand had moved from the 12 to the 5.

'Does that mean I've been asleep for 5 minutes?' Sasha thought to herself.

The heat of the car had intensified since she'd fallen asleep. Sweat dripped down her back and bottom lip.

'Momma needs to hurry. It's hot and I want to make a bento for papa Torino, so he doesn't skip lunch again.'

Sasha waited as long as she could but couldn't take the unbearable heat of the car. She unbuckled her seat and opened the door quickly she slipped out with her bunny and took a deep breath of the fresh cool air.

Sasha walked around the car and to the building her momma went into.

Sasha pushed the door open and slipped inside.

Sasha was greeted with loud music and several smells that made her nose scrunch up. It was much to bright too, with neon colors flashing around. She didn't like it.

Sasha Cautiously moved down a small walkway. To her right were small booths that occupied 2-3 people. To her left was a long table with many seats. Behind the table was shelves with hundreds of different bottles and liquids. Sasha kept walking and held onto Torino tighter then she ever had.

After a few minutes a lady at a booth called out to her. Sasha turned hoping it was her mother. Instead it was a middle aged woman with knotted reddish brown hair, a cocktail red dress with matching heals.

"You aren't suppose to be in here little girl. Where are you parents?" The lady was slurring her words and stumbling around in her heals. She also had a bitter smell to her.

Sasha backed away and didn't give her a answer. Her father always said not to talk to strangers. As Sasha turned around to make a break for it the red headed lady grabbed grabbed Sasha's arm at bruising strength.

"Let go of me! Let me go!" Sasha screamed while trying to squirm out of her grasp. Sasha Reached up and bit the lady, puncturing her skin. Finally the red headed girl let Sasha go. Sasha ran as fast as she could to get away from the stranger.

Sasha found herself on a dancefloor with many drunk or stumbling people. The smells only got worse.

Sasha maneuvered around people as fast as possible, she quickly started to panic and get shoved around.

Sasha fell into another walk way dropping her bunny and got a rug burn on her knee. Sasha slowly got up, wincing when she put pressure on her right leg. Sasha picked up Torino and held him tight.

She didnt want to head back onto the chaotic dance floor so she decided on moving through this new hall way. This one had booths on both sides.

'M-Maybe at the end is a exit and I can head back to the car and stay there like momma said.' Sasha thought to herself.

As she walked the blaring music, flashing lights and many smells started to make her panic. It felt like this hall way was never ending. Sasha's head spun from place to place in each booth hoping her mother will be sitting in one of them.

'I should have never left the car like momma said! Maybe if I go back I can find the hall I was originally in.'

Sasha turned around and immediately knew it was pointless. This only made Sasha panic more than before. Her breath quickened and she felt her chest tighten. Her legs started to tremble and a thin layer of sweat layered on of forehead. She felt sick and dizzy as if she was going to puke.

Sasha turned around again facing where she originally was going, and noticed a large man stumbling through the walkway. He was a about 5-6 feet away but Sasha could imeaditly smell that oh so similar bitter and icky oder coming of him.

When Sasha noticed he wasn't going to stop, She quickly bounded under a unaccompanied table in a booth to her left, just barely missing getting stepped on.

Sasha moved as far away as she could till her back hit the wall of the booth.

Sasha hugged torino and her knees tightly to her chest, crying into her bunny. Her tears quickly soaked torino's soft and comforting white fur.

Sasha couldn't help but think about her mother, was she okay? Did something happen? Why didnt she comeback? Will she ever come back...

Sasha cried even hard as painful thoughts consumed her mind. Was she ever going to leave? Would she ever see her mom and dad again? Would she ever see grandma, grandpa, kudo and Gran Torino- Gran Torino! She didnt get to make him a bento!

Sasha's mind imeaditly snapped to him. Her hero. She wished so badly he'd come and save her from this dreadful place. To lace her up in a hug like he did all those months ago when she found out about her quirk.

She wanted to see him so bad. Sasha helplessly cried to herself crying her hero's name.

"Gran Torino!"


Words: 1110

Thank you for reading! Also I apologized if you were slightly lost on where she is but she's at a bar. I've never been to a bar (I'm the definition of a hermit.) So I had to take a guess, plus this is a memory so as a child I doubt she'd memorized every detail. Also I fell absolutely in LOVE with the idea of Gran Torino being like a father/grandfather figure when he was younger and-Oop! Almost spoil something. If you dont know who Gran Torino is (slight spoiler) Gran Torino is All Mights/toshinoris teacher after Nana died. Also there will be spoilers from the show and manga.  BeWaRe!

Have a wonderful day/night my Darling's! <3


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