Why a Hero? Part 3

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By the time Sasha had got there she had about 14 minutes till 1A would start entering the classroom.

Sasha opened the door making her way over to the desk. Suddenly Sasha's heel got caught on some kind of fabric and she fell to the floor. Sasha looked over and saw a hideous yellow fabric sticking out from under the desk.

Sasha unhooked her heel and sat up on her knees, peaking under the desk. She was greeted back with piercing, tired eyes that could kill. Sasha recognized him from this morning along with Nemuri.
Shouta Aizawa.

They both staired at each other for a moment. Sasha hopped back up onto her feet to avoid the awkward atmosphere.

She then spotted some papers with students on it. She picked them up and looked through them. Sasha took a seat on the desktop skimming through them all, it mostly just explained what their quirks were, names and the usual things. She then came across a boy named Yuga Aoyama. He look straight into the camera in the photo, making it to where she could read his mind for one of his most important or remembered thoughts. As she entered his memory she felt her heart strings being tugged. He was sitting in a dark room hugging his knees tightly to his chest, as if he was in insufferable pain. Sasha could almost feel it. The memory remained her of her own experiences when she couldn't find her mother. The memory stopped abruptly, Sasha then decided she'd be keeping a eye on the poor boy.

As Sasha was finishing up with the papers she stopped on the last one, Izuku Midoriya. The first memory that came to her was two people one being him and the other a tall, blonde haired, thin and electric blue eyed man. They where both standing in heroic sunlight and looked to be talking about something Important but Sasha could only hear mumbling.

Sasha heard a rustle from under the desk. She quickly set down the paper and bent down peaking under. Sasha's and Aizawa's foreheads collided. Sasha shot back up feeling a stinging pain and rubbed her head with her hand. 'Is his forehead made out of steel or something!?'

"A-Ah! Sorry, are you alright?" Sasha asked, feeling like a idiot.

"Yeah, it was just a bump on the head, I'll live." Aizawa says. His voice was scruffy and tired sounding. He slowly stood up, slipping out on his eye burning yellow sleeping bag and folded it up, shoving it back under the desk.

Sasha watched him closely, how he moved, what he looked like, what he wore, his obviously tired expressions, and etcetera.

Aizawa caught her staring and staired back at her just as intimidatingly. Sasha wasn't fazed one bit.

"Bye." He said, quickly turned around and lazily strutted out of the room. "Yeah... bye." Sasha said back, right as he shut the door.

'...Well that went well!' Sasha thought to her self.

In an instant, Sasha found her self feeling bored. Sasha had a lot of patience, but after drinking so much damn coffee, Sasha was feeling jittery and fidgety.

Sasha looked forward at the clean chalkboard in front of her and the papers she had originally been reading through. She looked up at the clock, Sasha had about 10 minutes till the students would be entering. Sasha picked up the first paper on top and grabbed the chalk sketching out some girl named Momo Yaoyorozu.

As Sasha was finishing up the last student, Minoru Meneta, she heard a creaking of wood by the door. Sasha snapped her head at the sound. Three students stood there in awe at the board. Tenya Iida, Ochaco Uraraka and Mina Ashido.

Mina was holding her phone up spamming it with her finger, probably getting a hundred photos a second, Uraraka was smiling brightly staring at the sketch of herself and Iida was too stunned at his picture to say anything.

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