First Day, part 2

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Sasha groaned as her alarm went off on her phone. The nightmare she had flashed through her brain. God she hated her childhood. Every night or nap she'd have some horrible memory from her past come back to her. Either one about her hero, the accident, middle school in America and so on.

Lazily Sasha turned off the clock on her phone.

'First day of going back to U.A. Not as a student, but a second hand helper of what's his name? Anzawa Shoto? Aizawa Shouta? I'll have to check  later..." Sasha thought to herself.

Quickly she got out of bed and ready for the day.

Her pro hero outfit is a dark navy blue, skin tight shorts body suit and reachs from her quarter thigh up to her neck, its sleeveless and has a mid low, back gap. The outfit packs body heat in cold weather, and is still comfortable in hot weather. Sasha wears a 4.5 inch thick light blue and black striped belt that held small medical items, snacks to keep her quirk energized, Tranquilizers, Etc. Matching navy blue gloves that reach half way up the bicep and tall dark navy platform boots that have matching black and white stripes on the heel.

Sasha brushed out her hair and wrapped it up into a fluffy but mature bun. She brushed her teeth and did the usual morning routine.

 She brushed her teeth and did the usual morning routine

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When Sasha existed her room, she immediately tripped over her roommates mini Australian shepherd, Harlie. Harlie was black, white and light brown. Sasha caught herself of course and quietly hoped over the dog, not to wake the cutie.

Sasha went down stairs and into the kitchen thinking about what she would make. Sasha settled on her favorite bacon omelette. She grabbed out some eggs, cheese, tomatoes, onion and bacon. First she cooked the bacon and cut everything up. Next she cracked the eggs in a bowl and added a little bit of pepper and salt. She put the stove on low heat and began the process of cooking the eggs.

Usually her roommate, Akira, would wake up a little after Sasha did. Akira had always been bad with time so Sasha sometimes would wake her for breakfast. Akira was currently going to college to become a nurse, but worked in the mornings as a barista. Akira and Sasha were like sisters. Though Akira had dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes and pale skin while Sasha had black hair, gray eyes, and olive skin, so maybe just really good friends.

Just a Sasha was thinking of her Akira comes into the kitchen. Her hair was a rat's nest and was fluffier then usual.

"Any nightmares this time?" Akira asked while getting a cup for milk.

Sasha carefully flipped the omelette. "Yeah, it's the one when I lost my mother at that bar." Sasha answered.

Akira turned and gave her a sympathetic look. "Didnt you find hellen later on?"

"Yeah, a bartender saw me walking around and called security. They found my mother later on drunk and sitting with some friends. Child protective services was called a day or two later and she was given a warning. After the... accident, I was finally taken away to my father." Sasha said with a sigh. She lastly sprinkled the bacon on and handing the plate off to Akira.

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