Drawings, Happy Easter!!🥕🥕🥕

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WARNING There will be some references and talk about S.A. so please skip the O.C. angst if you are bothered by it.

So I sadly dont have any parts to post up for Easter but I do have a bunch of drawings that I've been working on and won't be able to use for future episodes since a lot of them wont really happen. I also have a bunch of head canons, OC angst and funny things that Sasha does with the students or her friends!!
Happy Easter Darlings!!!

So I dont specifically know Snipes age so I made him 28-29 and he had gone to U.A. with Sasha. On their very last year Sasha had been assigned a partner to work with for the year for patrol. She had been partnered with Snipe. Both Sasha and Snipe are.. well... dumb fucks. Let's just say they almost killed each other
A LOT. Here is one of their antics when they were chasing a thief and Snipe tripped while shooting and Sasha had just hopped onto a car and Snipe accidentally shot Sasha 4 TIMES in the back, nicked her arm and shot a hole through her ear. She was kind of okay. Not really. But once Snipe caught the thief and took care of him, he went back to Sasha who had already pried out all the bullets and healed herself. Later after patrol Snipe bought her a bunch of food as an apology.

 Later after patrol Snipe bought her a bunch of food as an apology

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Next up OC ANGST!!!!!!!

Next up OC ANGST!!!!!!!

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