U.S.J. Attack, Part 6

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(I own this image.)

Sasha woke up dizzy, confused and tired. Her arm was numb feeling and her head ached and stung. Slowly Sasha propped herself up with her left arm and grabbed at a near by tree for balance. Sasha suddenly remembered what had happened to her and looked back for the men. There wasn't any thing but 4 roses growing out of the ground. If she would have looked up, she would have seen the tied up dead bodys hanging 20 feet up. All four roses were a bloody red and shined brightly even in the dark of the U.S.J. forest. The U.S.J.? The.. The students! Their in trouble! That's when it snapped to her on why she was here. The stings came back once again 21 stings but one was especially bad, Aizawa was injured, injured bad.

Sasha did her best and bolted through the forest. She ran right to the building and up the stairs only to see Iida trying to pry the door open. She ran over to him and helped him open it. Just as Iida got out Sasha got it quickly telling him to be careful. She already knew what he was doing and new he was going to get help.

"Are you all alright?! Where is the rest of the students? Where's Aizawa?" Sasha asked while running to Uraraka. Sasha spotted a ghost villain above her floating away while cursing irritatingly. She new that must have been Urarakas done. Nice job girly-pop! "We're fine! The others where warped to different parts of the U.S.J. I'm sure their doing fine on their own. Aizawas down in the middle of the U.S.J and probably needs help! We've got the shadow guy under control and the others are tending to thirteen!" Uraraka yelled pointing in the direction of Aizawa. Sasha looked at them for a second. "Be careful." They nodded with confidence and Sasha took off down the stairs.

As she got closer she was able to get a better veiw of what was happening. A large human, buff bird, brained creature was sitting on Aizawas back. Infront of Aizawa was a light blue haired boy with hands covering his body and face. Handman was monaloging about something. Suddenly Birdbrain twisted Aizawas arm and snapped it like a twig. Sasha could hear the crunch of it. Sasha was frozen in fear. Her body wouldn't move. She felt her heart beat thumping loudly in her head and her breaths became uneven. Aizawa tried to use his quirk but the monster reacted fast smashing and breaking Aizawas other arm. Aizawa let out a gut wrenching yell. Move! Run to him! Use you quirks and save him, Sasha! Do something, anything! Please! She repeated it over and over but As much as Sasha begged her body to move she wouldn't.

Birdbrain grabbed Aizawas head and stretched it up forcefully then crushed his face into the ground sending cracks into the floor beneath his head. It was as if that was all it took and Sasha snapped out of her trance and into action.

She sprinted down the last few stairs 2 by 2. As she was running she spotted Midoriya, Tsu and Meneta watching the scene unfold. They looked terrified and scared.

Sasha didnt know exactly what to so she went for Handman, the ringleader.

Sasha camouflaged herself and sprinted around and up to him. She jumped and kicked him in the guts. He somehow stayed standing and his hands went flying forward trying to grab her. Right as he was about to, Sasha side stepped and with her other foot she side kicked him in the face digging her heel into him. He was sent stumbling backward. His nose was now bleeding heavily and his nose was red-ish and crooked, she had broken it. Before he could do anything Sasha came at him again and again kicking and punching at his legs, shins, sides and face. She would use a quirk but that would mean having to drop the Camouflage and be seen by the creepy birdbrain, plus a few more hits should do it and he'll be out like a light. If she hadn't been injured earlier in the head and arm she could have easily taken him out with one hit but right now her vision was kind of all over the place and she was feeling different.

Just as Sasha kicked his face and sent him tumbling to the ground, he called something out before Sasha could stop him.

"Nomu!" His raspy voice broke through the air. It sounded more like a broken cry.

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