Memories of a Hero, part 5

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(I own this image. Ignore the shit background I spent way to long on the other stuff that I kinda just said fuck it to the background.)

Sasha stood with her back leaned against the wall up front with her arms crossed and her knee slightly up. She watched the students talk and move. It sounded odd but that's just how Sasha "gets to know people."

Earlier the class president was picked out, originally the class had elected Midoriya. Later on Midoriya gave up his position for Iida. To be totally honest Sasha was very happy Iida got picked. He seems like the best person for the job. She was also Admired his skills at leading and quite likes him even if half the time he acts like he has a stick up his ass.

Sasha watched as Aizawa stood up and got the students attention. "Today's training will be a little different you will have four instructors; me, All Might, Ms. Rose and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." Aizawa said to the class.

The students gasped quietly and confusingly and began to whisper to each other.

Sero interjected. "Sir, what kind of training is this?" He asked.

Aizawa answered him. "Rescue." Aizawa held up a card that said rescue in bold lettering. He seemed to have pulled it out of nowhere. "You will be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that." Sasha hadn't been informed about any of the training events so she'd have to listen closely. Originally Aizawa was going to inform her about it at lunch but that all went to shit when the press broke through the U.A. gate and caused a big ruckus.

The class bursted out with excitement, giggles of happiness and comments.

"Guys I'm not finished yet." Aizawa said with a irritated glare. The students quickly shutted up. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know your excited about costumes. But keep in mind that you haven't gotten use to them yet and they could limit your abilitys." Aizawa said holding up a remote and pressing a button. Numbered shelves escalated out of the walls holding their costumes. "This special training is at a off campus facility so we all will be taking a bus to get there. That's all, start getting ready." Aizawa said the students quickly stood up from their seats excitedly going to get their costumes.

Sasha remembered what it was like when she first got her costume. She hadn't shown it but she had been ecstatic. Her first costume had been a mix of her two favorite hero that inspired her and her own design. A few years later she changed the design to be less flashy and more simple since she found to hate the attention. She also didnt want any cameras recognizing her. She had never been a fan of news journalists so Sasha learned how to hide herself and stay out of people's ways.

Sasha sighed and followed Aizawa out of the classroom.

. . .

Students filed into the bus. Iida wasn't very happy finding the buses lay out was different than he planned.

Sasha took a seat In the front next to the window. Aizawa seated himself next to her. Sasha didnt mind. Sasha folded her arms and listened to the students. After a few minutes of nothing interesting Sasha looked to Aizawa about to ask some questions only to find him sleeping peacefully. He had his head leaned back on the back of the seat and his hands in his pockets. Sasha looked at his face. She was able to get a clean view of his face. He looked calmer, younger and less sleep deprived.

The bus hit a bump and Aizawas head was thrown forward. Sasha Shot ahead reaching with her hands catching his head.

His eyebrows furrowed for a second but quickly relaxed.

Sasha was surprised by how soft his skin was. His attractive stubble tickled her palm and fingers. His eyes were closed softly and she could see he had pretty, long eyelashes. His fluffy hair fell to his right shoulder giving her a slight veiw of his jaw and a bit of his neck. Sasha then looked down at his lips. They were thin and slightly parted and they had the lightest pinky shade to them.

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