Middle School Incident, part 4

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Sasha felt limp and paralyzed. She couldn't move anything.

Sasha could feel the monsters hands grope her every limb, leg, chest, everything. She felt gross and disgusting, like she was covered head to toe with bugs and mud and hadn't bathed in weeks. She felt like a ordinary piece of trash on a side walk. A piece of junk that ment nothing to anyone. She felt weaker than she ever had been before. Tears soaked her cheeks and the blankets that weren't hers. Sickness swirled round and round in her stomach, Sasha swallowed each time she felt like throwing up.

All she wanted to do was curl like a caterpillar and hide all her manhandled and bruised skin that the monster had inflicted on her. Sasha was still so young, getting raped at eleven in sixth grade by a horrible fifteen year old, eighth grader who pretended to be her friend was not on her bucket list. Sasha felt so weak for trusting him and thinking he was good person.

'Someone help.. Please anybody.. Anyone.. Dad, Mom.. Grandpa.. Grandma.. kudo.. Akira.. please! Help! ...Gran Papa Torino please save me!' Sasha cried to herself.

A few more tears left her eyes as the monster finished. Sasha laid there staring at who she thought of as the boy related to the devil himself.

Sasha sat up slowly, completely unaware of the things around her, just the monster in front of her.

"Let's keep this our little secret, Rosie. We wouldn't want your Daddy or Mommy finding out about our little activities, would we? Just imagine how disappointed they would be in you. Your as strong as thee All Might maybe even stronger and yet you've let yourself get knocked up by me. A young, kind man who hasn't even lived his life to the fullest. Man, how evil of you." His snake like voice wrapped around neck and tightening each time she took a breath.

"So keep this secret for me as I fulfill my.. manly desires." He said shoving Sasha her clothes and slowly running his finger up her chest to her neck and jaw. Another tear fell from her eye.

"...Okay....." Sasha said in a whisper.

"That's my good, baby girl!" He answered back grabbing her chin and pulling her into a kiss. Sasha gagged on the inside.

Sasha closed her eyes tightly.

She felt so scared and frightened and frustrated and so many other feelings. It was all too much. She new she was stronger then most people with or without her quirk. The Monster had a manipulation quirk. If he said or asked someone to do something and if they feel the slightest bit of some feeling, he could manipulate that feeling and make it become more important. For example, if Sasha was feeling mostly frustrated and a little bit scared he could make the scared feeling bigger and the frustrated feeling smaller. Even without his quirk he can still somehow trap her and make her stay quiet.

The next time Sasha opened her eyes she was in front of her step mother, Valerie. Sasha had just got home and was in the kitchen where Valire had just pulled out a loaf of Banana nut bread, Sashas favorite.

"Ma.. Can you help me with something?" Sasha asked looking down at her feet and covering her arms.

Valire placed the bread on the oven and quickly set the mittens down. Valire came closer to Sasha and kneeled down gently taking Sashas hands into hers, calming Sasha. "Of course darlin, what's up?" Valire asked calmly.

Valires quirk was one Sasha would use often. If Valire locked eyes with someone, She could search through someones mind for either a specific thing/memory or what exactly they are thinking that exact moment.

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