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it was a short walk but you soon got back to your room opening the door and walking inside as you looked around it seemed that your two friends where nowhere to be seen. "hmm guessing they went somewhere" you commented to yourself as you walk to the bed placing your game stuff down and looking at the time.

The clock read 8:50 "guess i should shower i do need it that game was pretty crazy" you laugh softly to yourself going into one of the draws getting out a outfit which consisted of your favourite jumper a pair of jeans and some white runners.

After grabbing everything you needed to head to the bathroom bringing your phone and putting your playlist on "its around 9 now so i have a hour till they show up" you say to yourself getting in the shower as your music plays.

-after the shower-

once you got out you dried yourself off and put on the clothes you picked out now all clean you head back out into the room.Checking your phone you see a message from daniel the message said "yea sorry where not there but a few of our teammates wanted to head out we will be back later".

as you continue to get ready you message back "thats cool im heading out at 10 anyways ill see you both when you get back".You walk around the room getting a small bag with some things you may need like money and a charger then you check the time again it now reads 8:40 "god that was a long shower" you laugh to yourself but then go to sit on your bed deciding to wait till they come while watching a show.

as the time ticks on you hear a knock at your door as you stand up and walk to it you grab your bag.Opening the door you see Sapnap,Karl,punz and Fooling but also Callahan as well. "hello" you say smiling walking out and closing the door behind you.

"hay y/n hope you don't mind but we brought Callahan with us" he mentions pointing to said man who waves at you "that's all cool so what do you all have planned?" you ask as you all start walking out and into the street. "well we where planning to head to the arcade" fooling noted which you agreed to besides who doesn't like the arcade?.

You all keep on walking Sapnap,karl,Punz and Foolish having there own small chats while you and callahan walked behind them listening in.As you where still walking you felt a tap on you shoulder looking around you see it was in fact was Callahan he pulls out a notebook and writes down something then shows you "you did well today :)".

you look at the notebook and smile at him "thanks that game was really fun" you answer back seeing him nod happily you both then get stopped by foolish "alright where here" he declares as you all walk in.Not to many people where here just a few kids and teens Karl then runs to the token dispenser getting enough for everyone then giving a handful to you all.

after that you kind of went your own ways for a bit foolish and Punz where on one of the shooting games,Callahan went to a dance game and Karl was at one of the old pin ball games.You look around to see what you wanted to play until seeing a claw game walking up to it you see a small plushy of your favourite anime/show character.

you decided there and then you would try get it walking to the game and putting one of your coins in as you move the claw around to get it just right you put the claw down on it and... missed "aww come on i had that amazing" you whine to yourself but try again this time you got it!.

You smile to yourself now having your prize in hand walking away to see everyone huddled around the dance game.you move up to where the others where watching turns out it was Callahan dancing still. "wow he's good" you said as someone picks up "yea he's always been good at this game to be fair no one can really beat him" you look up to see Punz also watching.

"have you tried?" you ask him to which he replied "many times but that man better besides its not really my game now if he tried beating me in a shooting game ill win" he laughs at him comment as you laugh aswell.

"then ill take your word then" once the song was done you hear Sapnap chanting "go Callahan" as everyone joined you all laughed.After that you all start playing games going from Pacman to Mario and many others somehow you manages to get a lot of tickets from the games.

"what do we get with the tickets" you asked looking at the wall of stuff when sapnap spoke up "we can get the handcuffs and put tommy to a flag pole" he laughs as do everyone else "pretty sure tommy would be pissed at you" you laughed off as others nodded.in the end you did get the handcuffs but no one knew why you all where brainstorming what to even do with them but in the end they where going to just hang them off something.

The night became cold so you all decided to head off back to the rooms the talk back was just filled with jokes and story's "you know one time when we where playing Sapnap got the ball on his face he was on the bench when this happened" Punz laughed remembering the even to which Sapnap spoke "hay its not my fault the other team cant throw good" he commented.

"well it might of been payback for what you said to the other team if i'm correct you said 'you cant even play well'." you laugh at them when sapnap talked again "yea and they did we won".

after awhile you all ended back at your room "thanks that was really fun" you smiled looking at them to which they all said there goodbyes waving as they walk off. You grab your key opining the door and walking it to see Daniel and Tayler.

"hay how was your outing with the team?" you ask sitting down on your bed when Tayler talked up "yea it was fun one of our members fell into the lake" as he laughed and Daniel started talking "it was fun how was your thing who did you go with anyway?" he asked.

"oh it was cool we went to the arcade and it was Callahan,karl.Punz,Sapnap and foolish they asked if i wanted to go after my game" both the boys nodded at that "Callahan scares me we played with there team and one of our boys said something that seemed to pisses him off" Daniel spoke and Tayler picked up "yea next second he had a bat! still don't know how he got it" he shivered to himself.

"well shit seems he has a scary side then note to self not to piss him off" you nod to yourself as you got comfy deciding to chill for the rest of the night.

author-hayyy i know its been forever since i posted but ay im not dead :) i have seen a few of you want me to update so i shall give the people what they want it just may not be on the same time frame. You see i have been into new fandoms so the dsmp is not my main focus now but i did start this so i plan to stay to the end but that enough of me i hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night! love you all.

ps-i feel like i should have a name for you all like how people call there readers cute nicknames so please give some opinions on what you all should be called!

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