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"Happy Birthday dear Anjila, Happy Birthday to youuuuu" Dad, Ben my Step Dad, Aunt Sally and my little brother Jack sang to me.

Today was my 26th Birthday and Dad really wanted to celebrate with just us, since I hadn't seen them all in a while, and he said he really missed me. So I agreed to come over for dinner. After dinner it was time for me to blow out the candles on this delicious looking red velvet cake, my favourite!

As soon as I blew out the candles, Aunt Sally pulled me aside.

"I hope you wished for a man because you're running out of time" she said.

"What the hell are you talking about I'm still young I dont need to be tied down right now!"

"Oh so you're just totally fine with not getting your inheritance then?" She asked

"Inheritance? What are you talking about Aunt Sal. Mum died 3 years ago and dad never mentioned anything about any inheritance. I just assumed whatever was left over will be used to help raise Jack." I replied

"Oh Honey, that's simply not true!"

"What? What are you saying?" I asked.

"I can't believe your father didn't tell you! He's such a prick! I'm so glad my sister left him. Ben is so much more lovely isn't he?"

"Aunt Sal focus! What didn't my dad tell me?" I asked.

"Sorry. Yeah so your mum did leave you something. It was all written up and given to the lawyer. He was supposed to give it to your dad and your dad was supposed to tell you about it." She replied.

"What was written on it Aunt Sal? "

"Honey your mother didn't leave you empty handed, she left you a beach house in the Bay of islands.."

"What a beach house? What the fuck Aunt Sal how? When did she even get a beach house?!" I interrupted.

"Shhh let me finish! Now, where was I? Oh yes, the beach house. She also left you an apartment in the city. There's a couple of cars too I don't know what kinds though, I think one is a Ferrari and I think there's a Lamborghini and I think a jeep or something. There was one more thing... oh yes 25 million dollars!"

"Whatttt!? This is insane Aunt Sal. How is this even possible?! I didnt even know mum had money!? Where the hell is all of this now? Has dad been keeping it this whole time!?" I yelled.

"Oh honey your dad can't get his hands on it even if he tried, that has all been put in a trust in your name until you were ready to receive it."

"What do you mean ready to receive it?" I asked

"Oh right yes. Your mother put a condition on the inheritance" She replied

"Huh? What condition?"

"Honey you can only get it if you get married before you turn 27, otherwise it all gets donated to charity"

"What the fuck Aunt Sal! What is this? 1856? Why the fuck do I need to be married to get my inheritance? and where the fuck did mum get all this stuff from anyways!?"

"Woah honey relax. Take a deep breath okay. I will answer your questions just breathe"

"Fine" I huffed out

"Our Grandfather , your great grandfather, was incredibly rich and left a whole bunch of stuff for your mum and I. I didnt tell you because she told me not to. She said she didn't want wealth to change you and so she hid it from you so that you would be forced to work hard for the things that you want. When the doctors told her she had less than a year to live before the cancer took over her completely, she called me and we set up a trust fund for you and your brother. Ben is holding on to Jacks things but your dad was supposed to inform you about your inheritance. I have no idea why he didn't. You should ask him before you leave. Also, to answer your first question. I have no idea why she put in that condition. I guess she wanted to know that you would be happy and to have someone to share your life and riches with. I don't know honey, but if you want your inheritance you've got a year to find the one."


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