Chapter 8 I Really Like You

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I honestly thought things were going to be awkward between us after I almost kissed Anjila on Sunday, but it honestly wasn't. If anything, she was acting totally normal, as if what almost happened, didn't bother her at all. I've noticed she's been a lot more touchy lately with me. But I guess that just means she's really comfortable with me now. Which is such a relief! I'm glad I didn't mess things up!

This week was pretty full on with my 12 eco class. I was teaching them about price controls. In particular, how a minimum wage law impacts employment on the labour market model. I think for the most part they got it. But some of them still looked a bit lost, so I might have to give them a few extra practise questions. Abby says we should finish teaching next week and then start assessing the week after. I think I'm going to need an extra week to teach them the AD/AS model and revisit the PPC model. But I definitely won't be done by next week! There's just too much info to get through! It's stressful but I love teaching economics! My other classes are going really well and I'm on track to finish teaching and assessing on time!

The dinner I had on Monday night with Anna and Tori went really well. They were super impressed with my cooking and baking skills. We were having so much fun catching up and reminiscing, that we lost track of the time, and before we knew it, it was almost midnight. I had to kick them both out just to get a decent amount of sleep that night!

I was kind of bumbed that I wouldn't be able to hang out with Anji this weekend because my younger sister Kate, was coming up from Whakatane on Saturday morning. She has a conference up in Auckland on Monday and Tuesday, so she was going to crash at my place for 4 nights before she has to go back on Wednesday. I was excited to have Kate over. I haven't seen her in months and I really miss her. Ever since I came out 4 years ago, her and my younger brother Luke, are the only family that I have left. The rest stopped talking to me because they didn't really agree with my lifestyle. I was bumbed about it in the beginning, but it doesn't really bother me too much now. I just really miss my nephews and my niece. I loved my eldest sister Zoe's kids so much. I basically raised those kids. I spent so much time with them and spoilt the shit out of them. But in the end, my asshole brother in law Ian, said he didn't want my lifestyle around his kids. So there wasn't much I could do about it. It's his kids. As much as I hated to, I respected his decision and stayed away. Luke sends me photos and updates of them every now and then so it's not too bad. I still miss them though.

As the week went on I felt like something had shifted between Anji and I. She seemed much more comfortable with me and we had gotten a lot more closer. I would notice her subtle glances and touches everytime we were on duty together or we would bump into each other in the staffroom. She would still blush profusely everytime I flirted with her or gave her compliments but I just wasn't sure if she even liked me like that. This was all very confusing. I wish I knew what she was thinking!

It was finally Friday and I couldn't wait to go home! On my way to the car park Anji called out my name so I stopped to turn around and wait for her to catch up to me.
"Hey" she says a little out of breath. "Have you got any plans for tonight?" she asks.
"Surprisingly no" I reply.
"Perfect. I know how much you loved the first chicken run movie. The second one came out on Netflix today. I was thinking you could come over for dinner and then we could watch it together?" she asks shyly.
"Omg no freaking way, it's out!? I have been dying to watch it! I'm down! What time should I be there?" I ask.
"Umm like 6. By the way Lucy won't be there so you won't have to worry about her" she chuckles. "Oh do you have any dietary requirements. You know, other than you being on no sugar and low carbs?" she asks
"I don't drink and I don't eat pork. Other than that I'm good" I say smiling
"Okay got it. So I'll see you soon then?" she asks while putting her hand on my bicep. Fuck I can feel myself burning up!
"Uh, yeah. See you soon" I say smiling shyly at her.

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