Chapter 29 The Reception

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Kate came rushing up to both of us and giving us both a massive hug and telling us how proud she was of us, before gathering the rest of the guests over to where the tables and stage was set up, to grab drinks. Selina came over and touched up our make up and then the rest of us took this opportunity to take a million photos on the beach. We took one with us, the guys and the girls. Ones of us and Anj's family. Then ones of us and my family. Ones of us with just the girls and ones of us with just the guys. Anj took a separate photo with her friends and family. I took one with just my friends and family. We called all our colleagues from work to get a picture with us that we would share with the staff later too. Selina asked if she could get a photo of us for her Instagram to promote her services to which we agreed. Then we took like a million pics of just Anj and I in every pose and angle you could possibly think of.

"Ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together and join me in welcoming the lovely couple for their first dance as Mrs and Mrs Kane!" Luke says into the mic

We took that as our cue to walk up to the stage as our friends and families clapped for us, with 98 degrees' I do cherish you playing through the speakers. I had requested this song even though it's old school. I have always thought it would be the perfect song to dance to at a wedding.

Anj and I walked over to the middle of the stage and I placed my hands on her waist while she placed her arms around the back of my neck and rested her forehead on mine as we swayed to the music.

"You look absolutely stunning my love" I say smiling at her

"Thank you baby. You look so sexy in this suit babe. I love the colour and the crop top was a nice touch." She says "you look really good in make up, like wow, you went from model to supermodel with that hair and those eyes"

"I've got nothing on you my beautiful bride" I say as we continue to sway to the song

"Thank you wifey" she says smiling back at me

"I'm so happy you're finally my wife baby. I get you all to myself forever" I say rubbing my nose against hers

"I love you forever" she says

"I love you more my beautiful wife" I say "do you think people would notice if we just slipped away for a bit" I ask giving her ass a gentle squeeze

"Baby!" She whispers yells "stop that! we can't just leave our own wedding to have sex. Of course people will notice silly! You can have me tonight" she says

"Promise?" I ask

"Promise" she says pecking my lips

We continued to dance in comfortable silence till the song was finished. Everyone clapped and cheered for us as we took our seats at the table Kate had set up for us on stage

Once the chatter had died down Kate came up on stage welcoming everyone and giving everyone the rundown for tonight's programme which was going to start off with a few speeches

Ben decided to come up first

"Hello everybody. I am Ben Anjila's step dad. I have known Anjila since she was 7 years old and have considered her my very own daughter ever since. I just wanted to say that I am so very proud of the woman you have become today and all that you have accomplished and will continue to accomplish with Jay by your side. I know that losing your mother was very hard on you. It was hard on all of us. But I'm so glad that you were able to find happiness again sweetheart. I am so glad that you have found someone who makes you feel alive. Just as your mother did for me. And I know that if she were here today she would be so proud of you and I know for a fact she would have absolutely adored Jay. I don't know if Jay told you this but the first time Jack and I took her fishing I actually threatened her life. I told her that if she ever hurt you that I would gut her like a fish with my very sharp filleting knife. And do you know what she said to me? She said sir if I ever hurt her I give you permission to gut me with your very sharp filleting knife" he says chuckling "that's when I knew she would never hurt you and that she would always look after you. I have to admit Jay that I had my doubts about you. I wasn't sure you would be able to take care of my little girl but once I saw you land your first kingfish like a pro I knew you'd be able to handle Anjila" he says chuckling making me chuckle also "you see I told Jay that the people we pursue in life are a lot like the fish we catch. You can go in blind and throw in a line with any type of bait and you could catch any type of fish. But if you are looking for a specific type of fish you have to find the right spot, use the right bait, have a lot of patience and once you've hooked it apply the right amount of pressure to reel them in. If you're lucky you get to keep the fish but if you aren't you have to keep trying until you get it right. Jay I'm so happy you landed the biggest catch of your lifetime. I know you will take care of my little girl as she will take care of you. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness together and no pressure but I am going to be expecting some grand babies at some point." He says chuckling
" Anjila my darling girl, if there is one piece of advice I could give you it would be to cherish every single moment you and Jay have together no matter how mundane. To hold on to her for just a little longer each day and to remind yourself in tough times why you both chose each other in the first place. If you can do that you can do anything together. I love you very much sweetheart and to Jay welcome to the family, Jack and I will see you at the next fishing trip." He says chuckling

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