Chapter Sixty Two.

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We were a pair...
But I saw you there..
Too much to bear.
You were my life...
But life is far away from fair...


Fool me once, fool me twice.
Are you death or paradise?

Now, you'll never see me cry...There's just no time to die...


No time to die...No time to die...



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THE rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the docks and the harshly pattering rain on the roof of the tent echoes the chaos in my mind. It's been an hour since they brought us to this wretched police tent, the air heavy with uncertainty and the stench of betrayal. The flickering overhead light casts eerie shadows on our faces, mirroring the shadows that now stain my heart.

I can't escape the deafening silence that envelops us. JJ stares blankly at the floor, Kie chews nervously on her fingernails, and Pope fixes his gaze on the entrance as if expecting a savior. But no savior is coming. Not for us. Not for John B.

My mind is a tempest, a storm of emotions raging within the confines of my skull. Betrayal is a bitter pill, and the taste lingers on my tongue like poison. Carter, my brother, the person I tonight to be my protector, chose to forsake us. He sold his loyalty to the highest bidder, leaving me and John B--who is still unbeknownst to the truth of Carter-- stranded on this desolate island of betrayal.

I trusted him. We all trusted him. He was supposed to be the anchor in this sea of madness, but instead, he became the tempest that threatens to engulf us all. The words he uttered in that cold, sterile room cut deeper than any knife. Denying knowledge of John B's innocence, denying our shared truth. The bond we once had shattered like glass, leaving shards of pain in its wake.

The detective's harsh interrogations still echoes in my ears. Accusations thrown like daggers, each one finding its mark in my already wounded soul. I defended John B with every ounce of strength left in me, but it was futile. The world had turned its back on us, and even our own older brother had become a stranger, a traitor.

The electricity hums back to life on the island, a cruel reminder that the storm named Agatha might be finally over as it had sucked the light out of the island, but the tempest within me rages on as I can see another storm...Danielle, approaching. The cops have spotted John B's boat, a lone vessel adrift in the marsh as I was sure, he was surely headed towards the vast open sea. The hunt intensifies, the nets closing in around him. I can almost feel the noose tightening, suffocating the last breath of hope.

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now