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Riker P.O.V.

As I went upstairs, I heard moans coming from his room, i figure He's moaning in his sleep because he always moans in his sleep. When I open the door, I was shocked to see him banging my best friend in his bed. I got out there before they would notice me. I got in my car and drove. Just when I was parked out side of the bar, which my cousin owns. I notice that it was packed. I was just bout to get out the car when my best friend calls me.

We are young - MIKA

After ignore her call.

I started my car again and drove to get some beers. After I got bought some beers. I drove to my   uncle's mansion.  After I parked my car,  I got out. I put my phone  on  vibrate .   I went inside using the key. My aunt told me that i use this  key  if i want to runaway. When I got to the living room, I was took off the  off  sheets that was covering  the table.  I put the  golden goose six pack on  the table. Just as I was bout take off the sheets off the couch,   I got wacked from behind and  darkness took over  me.

Hybrid Characters
Boomer Walker - friend of Kiki. brother of Zep.
 LL - Ansel Elgort ( Baby driver 2017)

Kiki Parker - She is Shadow Slayer.
LL - Katherine McNamara ( arrow 2012)

Zeppelin Walker - Brother is Boomer. Nickname : Zep

LL - Taron Egerton ( Rocket man 2019)

Fofo - Hacker. Owner of Midnight blue. Mentor of Kiki.LL - James Nitti ( hallmark guy )

Deku - He is AS (Alien Slayer) He is the owner of Hotel Evergreen. LL - Shawn Mendes

Kenzo - brother of Deku . He is AS ( alien Slayer) LL - Andrew Walker

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