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At Pop's Diner
Leon  was sitting  at his favorite booth, which was by the window. He was waiting for Blaze to get here.  Just  as he was about to text  Blaze, he heard the wind chime on the door.  When he saw Blaze walking towards him, he  Leon said " what took you so long."
Blaze sat down and said " traffic.  Anyways what is so important  that you can't tell me over the phone."
After  Leon told him that he's going to die because he's a psychic dreamer.  Blaze said " describe the girl, we will kill her before she kills you."
Just as Leon was  about to get out his notebook because he sketches what his visions are when he saw her ordering at the cashier. His eyes went wide.Blaze said " what is wrong?"
Leon said " Nothing is wrong."
Blaze said " I'm a hybrid, your heart not telling the truth."

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