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Normal Pov
Aiko got dress in a black dress and went downstairs to put on her shoes on. After she was done putting on her red high heels shoes on, her phone which was a S8 plus, rang.

Thinking out loud - Ed Sheeran

She sat down on the couch and put her purse on brown coffee table. She took out her phone from her purse, and saw that it was text from her boyfriend.
It read : Happy two months. I'm sick can we reschedule?

Aiko decided to surprise him. She changed her shoes and left the house. When she was about  to pull out of the driveway  her phone rang.

Like whoa - Ally & Aj

It was a text from her sister.
It read : Ai, wont be home tonight
After Aiko replied  to her sister's text, she called her called her cousin's restaurant which was called Pops diner and order some soup from her boyfriend. 

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