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Aiko pov
When I got to my boyfriend's place, I was just about to get out of my car when it began to rain hard. Luckily i had an umbrella in my car, because it be came a habit. Every since my mom died on a rainy day I always leave an umbrella in the car. When I got to his apartment, I let myself in since he always leave his key under the door mat. I went into the kitchen to put the chicken noodle soup that i order because I was lazy to cook for him. After i put it on the marble white counter, I went upstairs to surprise him. As I got closer to his room, I head moaning. I figure he's moaning in his sleep again. When I opened the door to his room, I was shocked to see him with His exgirlfriend. I got out of there before they could notice my presence. I got in may car and drove away.  After i wipe my tears, i saw a bright light. I turn the wheel and everything went dark.

Third Pov
Aiko was driving and crying what she didn't know she was driving on the wrong side of the road. When she wipe her tears she saw head lights, she turn the wheel and crashed  a high way guard rail.  The driver of the truck, press  his break. He called the police  for the accident. 

Previously at pop's dinner
Leon said " nothing is wrong."
Blaze said " I'm a  hybrid, your heart is not telling the truth."

Leon's Pov
I sigh and said " she's the girl who kills me, over by the counter."
Blaze said " damm she looks hot."
" shut up, we are going to kidnap her and kill her before she kills me."
After she left the diner, we got up and were about to leave when Blaze's phone rang. I went outside to get her license plate so that we can track her down. When Blaze came out of the diner with a shocked expression on his face, I said "whats' wrong?"
He said " sis is in the hospital."
I said " go, we will kidnap her tomorrow. I got her license plate."
He rush to his car and drove fast to catch up to her. 

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