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Aiko Pov

I woke up and found myself standing in a cemetery. I was shocked that I was dead. I was abut to touch the stone with my name carved on it, when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around and saw a fallen angel.
She said " sign here." While handing me the parchment.

Third Pov
The parchment that the fallen angel handed to Aiko read this :
"I am reborn into this world for a second chance. With this ring i am immortal. If any of my friends and family find out their will be consequences. "
After Aiko signed it, it began to designate into ashes. The fallen angel put the ring on Aiko's finger, then took out her syringe that was filled with
nanites and injected it into Aiko's arm. When the fallen angel pulled the syringe out,
Aiko said " What did you put in that .... her eyes become a little drowsy.

Aiko Pov
When the fallen angel took out the syringe out from my arm.
I said " what did you put in that... my eyes become a little drowsy.
She said " I'm Yoona. I injected you with nanites. I will see you in ten minutes."
Just as I was a bout to say something everything went dark.

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