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Two months later...

Riker got married to Bruce who happens to be Leon's step cousin.

When Riker  and Bruce were walking out of the church happily married, Leon tried to stop them from going to  the limousine to get to the airport but it was to late. They got in and he watched them drove off. Leon texted Aiko
The text read " They are in the limo, I couldn't stop them."
Aiko texted  back to him saying prepare for the worst.

Two days later .. at the cemetery
Mr and Mrs. Weston ( Bruce's last name) said their good byes to Aiko.
Leo ( aka Leon)  was saying goodbye and had put a rose flower on her grave stone when he a text.
The text read : In Paris.
After he read the text he said " I have  to go."
After he left the cemetery, he went home. When he was home, he packed his bag and  hop on  the airplane to be with Aiko who was in  Paris hiding under that name  Lillan  Jones. 

Flash back on Buce's and Riker's wedding day couple hours after they got married.
When  Bruce and Rikier got in the limo . They went straight to the airport to   Head to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Halfway their  in the limo they felt a gust of wind. 
Aiko said " do you guys trust me."
Bruce said " yes we do."
Riker said "  how did you ... I trust you  but what is going on."
Aiko opened the car door and pushed them out.  Bruce and Riker  got minor injured. After Bruce helped  Riker up, he said " you okay. Mrs. Weston."
Riker said " I'm going to kill my sister, she ruined my wedding -
Both of them turned around and saw that the limousine went in flames.
End of flash back

Leo and Aiko were  star gazing at the Eiffel Tower.

The end

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