CHAPTER TWO; the training center

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"exposure can kill as easily as a knife"


"IN TWO WEEKS, 23 OF you will be dead. One of you will be alive." You crossed your arms and glanced around at the other tributes in the room as Atala continued to talk. "Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the next four days, particularly to what I'm about to say."

Your gaze settled on the District 1 boy, who was already staring at you. The two of you made eye contact and neither of you chose to break it.

"First, no fighting with the other tributes. You'll have plenty of time for that in the arena. There are four compulsory exercises. The rest will be individual training."

You wanted to get to the sword and knife practice. That was the stuff you had taught yourself the most.

"My advice is don't ignore the survival skills. Everybody wants to grab a sword, but most of you will die from natural causes." Atala explained and you finally broke eye contact with the District 1 boy. "10% from infection, 20% from dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife."

It wasn't long until you found yourself practicing with the fake swords against one of the trainers. Your own skills were good, but you wanted to be better. You wanted to be able to beat Cato, the boy from 2 who you had seen with some almost terrifying sword abilities.

Once you had finished there, you walked past the girl from 12 and lined up for the knife throwing.

"I didn't think people from 3 actually knew how to use a weapon." A voice from behind you spoke and you turned your head to see the boy from District 1.

Now you knew that even close up, you still thought he was attractive.

"Yeah, well, I do." You went to turn your head away from him, but he kept talking.

"My name's Marvel." He introduced, offering you his hand to shake. You did. Maybe getting along with some of the Careers would provide you with an advantage.

"Y/N." You gestured to yourself before dropping your hand. "Did you volunteer?"

Marvel let his lips form a smile as he stretched his arms. "Of course. I stand a better chance than anyone else here."

You scoffed at that and he furrowed his brows.

"What?" He asked as it became your turn at the knife throwing station.

You picked up multiple knives and threw them all quickly, each one hitting their targets almost perfectly. You threw a handful more, getting about half of them right on the bullseyes.

You turned back to Marvel with a shrug before walking to find another station.

Then there was some kind of loud commotion nearby and you turned your head to see Cato yelling.

"Jason, where's my knife, huh?" He asked the boy from 6.

"I didn't touch your knife."

"I put my knife right there!" Cato poked Jason's chest accusingly.

"Don't touch me." Jason slapped his hand away. "I didn't touch your knife!"

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