CHAPTER TEN; the feast

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"don't worry, i'm sure you'll witness another murder soon enough"


AS THE DAY WENT ON, both you and Marvel stayed sitting in the cave. He hated it, but you needed him to rest so he could heal.

"I'm gonna go find us some food." You told him. You sat the backpack beside him and handed him his spears.

You picked up your sword and pressed a short kiss to his lips.

"I'll be right back." Then you carefully walked out of the cave, keeping an eye out for any tributes, but more particularly Katniss or Cato.

Or Clove. She could kill you with one of her knives pretty quickly.

You weren't outside for long, but you managed to catch a rabbit.

You started a small fire at the edge of the cave, small enough to properly cook the rabbit, but not too large that the smoke would be noticeable.

The moment the rabbit was done, you snuffed out the flames and headed back into the cave where Marvel was sitting.

As he sat up straighter, he groaned in pain, holding a hand to his wound.

While you sat across from him, he lifted his shirt and you could see a deep red stain over the bandages.

Either the stitches weren't working properly, or they had ripped open again. And either way, it meant Marvel was bleeding a lot.

You started to share the rabbit with Marvel when you could hear the familiar chime of one of the parachutes. Something was sent in by a sponsor.

You peered out of the cave just as the parachute landed by the entrance.

Upon opening it, you found bread. You brought the parachute into the cave and ripped the bread in half.

Then another announcement echoed through the arena.

"Attention, tributes. Attention." Both you and Marvel stopped eating to listen. "Commencing at sunrise, there will be a feast tomorrow at the Cornucopia. This will be no ordinary occasion. Each of you needs something desperately. And we plan to be generous hosts."

You turned to Marvel and looked down at his shirt, where blood was starting to leak onto his shirt.

It was getting worse, and probably infected. The arena wasn't exactly sanitary.

"I'm going. They have something there to help you and I'm taking my chances." You told him and Marvel sat up to lean against the wall again.

"What? You can't go out there alone." Marvel furrowed his eyebrows. "Cato would kill you on the spot."

"Trust me, if I see Cato, he's not gonna be the one walking out of that fight." You helped Marvel pull his jacket back on and set up the backpack as a pillow for him. "Lie down."

"No, I'm going with you." He reached for his spears, but you grabbed them first.

"No, you're not."

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