Chapter 5 - Mission

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Author's Note: Anakin and Obi-Wan bond some more and chase after Abeloth. :)

~ Amina Gila

Why, why does Obi-Wan do that every time Anakin turns around? Seriously? How do the Jedi even have enough outer robes, if they throw them everywhere they go and never bother to pick them up???

Clothes were something he hardly had enough of on Tatooine, and Sidious would be very unimpressed if Anakin ever treated something he gave him so... uncaringly. Not that he'd ever be that disrespectful anyway. So, he has no idea how just abandoning their clothes everywhere is something Jedi don't even think twice about.

He and Obi-Wan are sparring again, still preparing for the mission. Anakin's trying hard to do better, because he has to be strong enough to deal with Abeloth, and then... then he has to figure out what to do about his master. He doesn't really want to think about it right now. It's only been several weeks, though, so how much he's improved is still minimal.

The door behind them opens suddenly, a Jedi appearing in the doorway, calling Obi-Wan into the hall to discuss something. It gives Anakin a moment to catch his breath, and when Obi-Wan doesn't come back, he steps out into the hall after.

Obi-Wan and the other Jedi are talking a distance down the hall, but what catches Anakin's attention instead is the protocol droid passing by.

"Hey," Anakin interjects cheerfully, the droid pauses. It makes him miss Threepio so much, seeing this one. Is he alright back on Naboo? The Jedi shouldn't have done anything to him, but Anakin still has no idea when he'll see the droid again, and it's the last thing he has left from his mother.

"May I help you?" the droid asks, pausing.

"Yes," he offers and darts back into the sparring room, returning moments later with Obi-Wan's discarded robe, draping it around the droid's shoulders and over its head.

"Oh my," the protocol droid yelps, in such a similar tone to Threepio that it hurts.

"Shh," Anakin says, trying not to laugh, when Obi-Wan turns around.

"Right when I was hoping we could return to training," Obi-Wan comments, sounding slightly grumpy, "Do you need me from something, too, Master?"

Anakin tries very, very hard not to laugh. It's not really working.

Obi-Wan shoots him an odd look. "If you don't, I'll be going."

"To whom are you speaking?" the droid asks, finally turning around.

The comically shocked look on Obi-Wan's face was entirely worth it – it's been so long since he actually pranked someone; he hasn't, since back on Tatooine when he was with Kitster – and Anakin can't smother his laughter anymore.

The confused look on Obi-Wan's face morphs to shock, then annoyance. "Anakin?"

"Yes?" he asks, innocently.

"Did you do that? ... Wait, is that my robe?"

"You're the one who threw it on the floor!"

The flustered expression on the Jedi's face makes the entire situation worth it. "Because we were supposed to be sparring."

"Why would you want to leave it there to trip on?"

"If we were uncoordinated enough to trip on fabric," Obi-Wan grumbles, "I would recommend leaving it there to prepare for real fighting on far more uneven ground."


"It still seems like a careless way to treat your things," Anakin defends.

Obi-Wan gives him a dubious look, though Anakin could swear he looks amused for a moment. "I'm surprised it bothers you," he replies, dryly.

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