Chapter 13.

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"So, McCann? Is she another sex toy?" The guy asked and pinched my cheek.

"No!" he shouted, "I mean, no, I just have to do a project with her in school." Jason looked down, kinda looking embarrassed. Was he embarrassed because of me?

"Yeah right, McCann, so you invite her over to use her in the bed. Smart, kid." The guy chuckled as his hand went lower and closer to my bum.

"Stop it, you asshole!" I shouted, as his hand finally reached my bum and slightly squeezed it.

"Shit, Scarlett." I hear Jason mumble.

I looked at him questioningly.

"Ohh, I like your temper! You're a good one." The guy said, letting go of me. He waved to come to the other guys, who were watching us like it was their favourite show. And with that, they left.

"Are you seriously dumb or something?! I said for you to wait upstairs, but no, you decide to get us both in trouble and come down. Well, sooner or later they'll come back!" He yelled at me and the anger in his eyes was pretty noticeable.

"Well, sorry if I couldn't predict who was there. Maybe I thought it was a girl."

His expression immidiately turned into a smirk. "So you were getting jealous?"

SHIT. I hate my big mouth.

"No..." I trailed off, looking down at my boots.

He just chuckled.

"But what do you mean, they'll come back?" I asked, reffering to what he said before.

"Well, if they see a girl with me, they're the next ones to fuck her."

"Ohh..." I trailed off, once again. "but how can I be safe now?"

"You're gonna be mine, baby."He licked his lips, lokking me up and down hungrily.

I looked at him, slightly furrowing my eyebrows. What does he mean with that?

"Well, I g-gotta go h- ho-home.." I stuttered, biting my lower lip and walking over to the door.

"See you around, or should I say in bed, shawty."

"And here's the pervy, Jason, I know." I chuckled, "okay, bye."I quickly pecked his lips, but he snaked his hand around my neck and pulled me into a rough kiss. I pulled back and waved to him, as I started my walk to home. I plugged my headphones and was lost somehwere in the wonderland, called dreams.

As soon as I was home, I kicked off my boots and walked to the kitchen, finding dad there cooking something.

"Hey, dad?"


"Where's mom and why are you home?"

"As I said, I bought her a flat, gave her some money and here she goes. We're free now." He tried to smile, but failed. Something wasn't good, but I shrugged it off, feeling tired.

I took some dad's made waffles, ice-cream and went upstairs to my room. I put the food on the nightstand and changed into an over-sized off shoulder top and sweats. I jumped in the bed, turned on the TV and started to eat my waffles.

As I was watching "Pretty Little Liars" my phone rung. I took and and saw that, the caller was Isabel. I picked it up.

"Hey, gurl." I smiled.

"Hey. So how did it go?"

"Could of been better, I guess. I mean, I got myself into a trouble."

"What do you mean?" She sounded worried a bit.

"Well, he kinda, umm... we were... like we were in his room and somebody knocked at the door outside, so he went to open it and said for me to wait there. As He was taking a bit too long, you know I'm not patient, I walked downstairs, making the biggest mistake in my life. He was with some 3 other dudes around my age. So one of them walked towards me and like put his hand over my shoulder and asked Jason who I was, Jason lied about me, saying that I was his friend who he had to make a project with and so then the guys hand reached my um and he slightly squeezed it, and I shouted at him, and yeah, then he said he likes my temper. Then Jason started yelling at me, saying, that I got us both in trouble. Then I was like, I can't predict things, and I thought you were with another girl. and then he asked if I was jealous and I said no, but then later he said, you're gonna be mine, baby." I finished, tooking in a deep breath.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Isabel screamed through the phone.

"What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"He fucking likes you and he wants to be with you." She chirped.

"Okay, slow down. First-of-all what's with all the cursing? Second-of-all he doesn't, as I've said before, he wants to get in my pants, and third-of-all he can't like me."

"Oh c'moon Scarlett. I'm just really happy for you. Well, judging by his actions, he really does want YOU, not only that lower part and yeah those two. Jeez, why are you so afraid of falling or getting together, Scarlett?"

"I'm scared of being hurt."

"Oh, so you want to spend your life with 69 cats and forever alone?"

"My life is already like that." I sighed.

"Yeah, because let's start with that, you have no cats, and well, you have a crush who likes you back. Give in!"

"I don't know, I gotta think about it."

"Well, make up your mind, I gotta go. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and drifted in my thoughts.

How can he like me? What does he even see in me? I'm just an ordinary girl. I kinda want to know this. Like, what suddenly happened? All these years he has payed me 0 attention, maybe he haven't even noticed I go to this school.

And my thoughts were soon interrupted by my phone ringing, again. I looked at who was the caller. Jason. Doesn't he have someone else to talk to? Oh well... I picked it up.



Here it goes, a new chapter! I'm sorry it's not interesting at all, because I'm kinda sick and having a headache. And yeah, I worked on this for like 3 hours, because everything was distracting me. :D

Okay, hope you liked it, sorry for typos!

Falling was the wrong choice. (Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now