Chapter 16.

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I leaned in, the same as he. And with no second thoughts his lips were on mine. I actually enjoyed the kiss and kissed back. He licked my bottom lip and I immidiately parted my lips allowing him to explore my mouth, I did the same.

I slid my arms around his neck and played with the ends of his hair. He held me up, so I wrapped my legs around his torso. He carried me upstairs never breaking the kiss. The kiss was becoming more intense as we were literally eating each other's faces off.

He put me on the bed and crawled on top of me. We continued the kiss for a bit, then Jason went down to my neck leaving a hickey next to the other he had left there a while ago. Why was I enjoying this that much?

He slid his hands along my thighs and then slid them back up again, slowly sliding them under my jumper. He reached my boobs and slightly squeezed them. He looked up at me as I bit my lip.

He started to slowly put my jumper off, I put my hands on his, "no, Jason..." I managed to say. I sat up and looked at him. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me with hungry eyes, he had a look like he was continuing, what we started.

"I- I'm not ready..." I trailed off, looking down at my fingers finding interest in them.

"Oh c'moon don't be such a pussy." he grabeed my hand and pulled me close to him, "come here." 

I sat on his lap, my legs on each side of him. He burried his head in my chest. I chuckled, "what are you doing, McCann?"

"I like your boobs."

I laughed, "you're weird." 

"and you like it, don't you?" he said smirking, as always.

"maybe" I teased.

He smiled and pressed his lips against mine again. Well, I can't resist, okay? I kissed back. Again it turned into a make-out session. I got into it and started grinding on him. He smiled widely, as if it was some success to him. He layed me on the bed once again, him on top of me.

I slid my hands slowly along his chest, stomacha and stopped at the V-line. I smiled to myself when I felt his six-pack through the shirt. I pecked his lips and got up.

"I gotta go," I smirked.

"Oh c'monn, babe, finish." 

"Maybe some other time." I winked.

I went downstairs, Jason following me. I picked up my bag and pecked his cheeck. 

"Bye, Jase!" I smiled and was about to open the door when Jason pulled me towards him and hugged me, of course, squeezing my bum afterwards. 

"You can't just not touch my ass, can you?"

"I can't resist that fit ass of yours." he smiled. Oh, have I mentioned before, that his smile is something to die for? Like he's literally perfect, flawless. Everything about him is just...ugh... perfect. But, does that mean I'm already falling for him?

"Oh, Jason?"

"mhm?" he mumbled.

"What we exactly are?" I looked up in his eyes, but he was trying to avoid the eye contact.

"You said, you had to go." He pulled me away and showed me to go out.

"Okay...umm...bye?" It sounded more like a question, but I mean, I'm confused, who wouldn't be at a situation like this?

"leave." he said sternly. I walked out the door and he shut it loudly after me. I shrugged my shoulders and went home.

Jason McCann

How I wanted to fuck the virginty out of her pussy, but that slut won't let me. But I mean, I'm Jason McCann, and you know, I always get what I want. And she's starting to get clingy, yep, she likes me. Sooner or later, she'll be the one dragging me to the bed. I smiled at the tought, her being wild in the bed. Yeah, that's all i'm asking for.

And well, I chane my mood fast, and if she asks what are we or something like that, it ain't good. I mean, everyone likes me, and she'll get clingy and will be all over me too, so that's what I want.

Though, she might stay with me, so Alex won't kill her. I mean, I won't let him enjoy something THIS fit and gorge-- wait what?! C 'moon, McCann. Get yourself together!

Scarlett Jackson

I unlocked the door to home, put off my Converse and walked to the kitchen to eat something.

So, how should I tell my dad I want to, basically need, to move? Hard, isn't it? I sighed and took an apple and went to my room.

I jumped on my bed and sighed. What am I gonna do now? I should be careful and I can't really feel safe now. I mean that Alex dude can do anything, right? How can I even be safe right now, this night?

I took my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through my contacts 'till I found Jason.


I updated once again today, yay, I guess. ;D

Okay, so, hope you liked it and sorry for typos.

And yea, yea, I know it's not good, but I'm trying so...

love yaaaaa. <333333

oohhh, and sorry Jason's POV is so short, I just can't think like a guy... ;DD

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