I *Commando* thee to vote!

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I'm so creative :3.

Here are me and my friends from Track as dragons!I meant to draw this WAY back in June, but for several reasons, I wasn't able to, until recently

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Here are me and my friends from Track as dragons!
I meant to draw this WAY back in June, but for several reasons, I wasn't able to, until recently.
Aaaaaaaaand as usual, Wattpad ruined the image.

On the top right, we have Carson.
I knew right away he was going to be a Seawing.
I decidednot to draw the dangling ting that Seawings have, because I just felt weird drawing it on him for some reason.
I also don't want him looking at this at some point, and being like, "What is that on my chin?"

On Carson's left, is Cecilia.
She told me that she wanted to be a Nightwing Icewing hybrid, but she seems like someone who would change her tribe a lot, and that was a while ago, so hopefully this still aplies, lol.
Out of our group, she's the most socially equipt, so I gave her a confident grin and a fearless stare.

Next to Cecilia, is Neva.
She couldn't decide what tribe she would be, so she told me what colors she wanted instead, and the first thing I thought of, was a Leafwing Seawing hybrid.
I'm really happy with this design.
It really looks like her!
I was even able to make her frill orange and shorter than mine, yet still pretty, just like her hair!
And of course, I did her freckles.

I'm the blue dragon in the middle.
I changed Moonstorm's design a little, for example, I made her frills darker and gave her a small teardrop by her eye, because even though she's not a mindreader, she is an empath.
Her earring will look familiar to Lord of the Rings and fans and Harry Potter fans . . . .
Hmmmmm . . . .

Next to me is . . . .
Moooooooving on.

At the end, we have Izzy.
I forget what his real name is, but that's what everyone calls him.
He joined the group late, but including him felt right.
Him and the Leafwing are the only ones paying attention to Carson, lol.

Renx out!

Renx's artbook #3Where stories live. Discover now