First two days of Track

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So, Track started back up rcentally.
Great, I know. Exept, two days of practice have already one by, and I haven't seen my crush.
He told he he was definitely coming back, and I doubt he'd suddenly change his mind, but I'm not seeing him on the roster.
It's still really early though. A lot of people don't come the very first week. And maybe he just forgot to sign up. That happens a lot. People show up and forget to regester until the dealine.
I asked my friend, Carson, and he said he'll keep a look-out.
I'm planing on asking my crush's bestfriend next week and see what he knows.

I shouldn't get down.
Something really bad would have to happen for him to change his mind.
And while something COULD have happened, I don't have a reason to think that.
But still, I can't help feeling sort of sad.
Today's practice was really hard. I thought about him the whole time.
I know that's weird, but how could I help it?

I keep worrying that maybe he can't come back . . .
I'm telling myself I have to have faith, but I've waited a whole year to see him again.
I'm pretty possitive he lost my adress, because I haven't gotten a letter from him, and I'm sure I would have by now if he still had it. The fact that I've waited so long and not heard from him, makes this . . . hard, honestly.

I'm not depressed, I don't suffer from anxiety or anything like that, I'm just goin through a rough patch.

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