Contest entry for Cyprus!

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Yep, I'm joining Cyprus's new contest!
Some of you might remember WAY back, I entered her bluejay design contest.
It's not surpirsing that I lost on that, given I was more focused on presenting my character then on the design, which didn't really fit the theme.
This one has a tropical/parrot theme, and I think I have at least a fair chance?
I strongly doubt I'll win, but I'm better off than I was last year!

This one has a tropical/parrot theme, and I think I have at least a fair chance?I strongly doubt I'll win, but I'm better off than I was last year!

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I gave my Rainwing plumes like that of a bird of paradise.
My guess is taht she had them implanted into her scales, like some dragons do with jewles and so forth.
I also gave her a pet parrot, because why not?
Unfortunately, I had to use on of Peregrincella's bases, because I knew I wasn't going to be able to figure out the pose and finish the drawing in time.

Also, sorry I haven't been posting any announcements on my profile.
My cousin is using her mom's phone to read my stuff, and I don't want to have to explain that part of Wattad. ':)

Renx out!

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