Memes *cackles evilly*

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Oh man, why has it been so long since I've posted memes here?
Anyway, I'm currently trying to wrap up another WoF Patronus drawing, but until then, I hope you enjoy these!

Oh man, why has it been so long since I've posted memes here?Anyway, I'm currently trying to wrap up another WoF Patronus drawing, but until then, I hope you enjoy these!

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This is straight up canon, lol.

I love Lee Jourdan, and they did a really great job with the movies, but they really should have added his commentary

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I love Lee Jourdan, and they did a really great job with the movies, but they really should have added his commentary.
It would have been so easy and would have made the Quiditch scene more engaging.

It would have been so easy and would have made the Quiditch scene more engaging

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There's always that one person who adores the very character everybody hates, isn't there?

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There's always that one person who adores the very character everybody hates, isn't there?

There's always that one person who adores the very character everybody hates, isn't there?

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My brother came up with this one and it's just TOO accurate, lol

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My brother came up with this one and it's just TOO accurate, lol.

Renx out!

Renx's artbook #3Where stories live. Discover now