2- Chapter 4 (Athon)

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Chapter 4 (Athon)


A voice called from behind him. As he turned, he was met with a young looking boy running toward him. He jumped into his arms with a big smile on his face. "I did it! I defeated Water Blight Ganon!" He looked happier than ever. The tall one of scarlet scales smiled and raised his fist by his face. "I knew you could do it! I am so proud of you!" He then picked up the boy and gave him a hug.

"Sidon," Started the boy, suddenly saddened. "Do you think I have enough time?" The zora blinked and here he was in a quiet room by the hylian, frail in a white bed. He got closer and grabbed his small hand. He got on his knees and looked at the boy. He silently listened to him slowly breathe in and breathe out, his chest following the motion. His blue eyes turned to him looking a bit watery. "I am glad I could have you in my life," He said in a half tone. He then closed his eyes. When he opened them again he looked lost. "You are very pretty, sir. Such beautiful eyes you have." He smiled.

"Link?" A tear rolled down his cheeks.

"Who is Li..." His eyes suddenly shut and a breath escaped his mouth. His skin slowly turned just as cold as fresh snow, an expression so serene it felt like the water was softly washing away, a smile frozen on his gentle lips. His hand dropped into the zora's grip as the life in him slowly faded.

Sidon woke up in tears, his heart feeling heavier than ever. He looked around a little confused before realizing he had dreamed about him...again. "King Sidon?" He heard knocks on the door. "You were crying in your sleep..." A young blue zora with bright yellow eyes opened the door and walked in. "Oh, Celest! I-I'm," he stuttered. "I will be okay. I just- I dreamed about Link again." He looked down at his hands. "Well, Lady Yona is waiting for you along with Sir Ganondorf and Sir Athon." She said softly before walking away.

Sidon rubbed his eyes and got to his closet to find a proper fit.


~Telma's pov~

It's been three hours since I woke up in the middle of nowhere, and out of those, I've spent two arguing with some guards. They are not very effective! They keep trying to convince me not to go down these islands. They just refuse to take me there, saying that nobody has ever come back. Of course they haven't, it's way better down there!

"I do not care! I want to get back home!" I screamed. Suddenly, a girl with long, curly, blonde hair walked in on us. "What is all the fuss about?" She seemed pissed. "You- You are from the surface world! How did you get up here?" Her skin had beautifully picked the feel of the sun. She had a long pink dress that lightly sparkled. Her fluffy golden locks covered a white fuzz cloth arbored by a blue symbol. The side of her hair was braided in the back in a similar way. "Are you there?" She waved in front of my face. I immediately snapped back to reality and awkwardly smiled.

-The what world? –That was all I could think to say.

-The surface world! Did you come up with a loftwing- Are there any there? –Her accent was slightly hard to understand, but I quickly got used to it. That's what happens when you work at a bar, I guess.

-I am really sorry, I have no idea what you mean by "surace world" at "loaf-wing".

The girl in pink then suddenly burst into laughter. She had a cute way of taking short breaks in between giggles, which made me laugh along.

-You are silly, they aren't loafs! – She wiped a tear from her eye. – What does it look like, where you come from.

-Oh! I come from Hyrule castle town. I have a bar there- it was my mom's! –I answered.

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