14th Chapter (Gan)

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Link and Telma were sitting in silence at one of the bar's tables, enjoying a freshly prepared soup. They had a bit of small talk.

-So... you are looking for Ganondorf, you say? Well, I don't think we are talking about the same person, but-

Link looked up from his spoonful, intreagated.

-Well—She continued.—Hyrule's ravager is called Ganondorf too.

-He would never do such things!— He said impatiently.

-I know, I know! —Well, the one I'm talking about doesn't quite match my mom's description of my uncle, so...

-Your uncle?!—Asked Link, shocked.

-Hum, almost. He is my mother's cousin. Uncle for short!—She answered.

-What does that make me?

Link blushed and looked away. His comment made the room very awkward. He looked back at his soup stirring the vegetables with the tip of his spoon. "That was very random! Why did I say that? It's not like me and him- We're not-" His thoughts were interrupted by his own coughing. He started to choke and Telma got up to help him. She grabbed him by the stomach and squeezed him in sacaded motion. As Link held onto her arm, a piece of carrot flew to the other side of the room and splattered on the wall. Fisher put his hand on his throat while taking deep breaths. "Hylia! Din, Nayru, Farore! Thank you!" He let go out loud. Telma giggled.

-You'd sure be a great uncle!—She said before taking hers and his boal away into the back of the bar.

Link looked at her heavily blushing. He took the green stone from inside the top part of his tunic. (It held loose in the chest area separated by a tightly attached belt.) Compared to last time he felt it in between his fingers, the shine lacked. It almost looked matte. "What do I do now? Nali, I need your advice" He muffled as he worried about his lover. Telma soon came back and sat by him.

-What are you thinking?

-I...—He blocked.—What- That Ganondorf... What does he look like?—He asked in a sad tone.

-My "uncle" or the ravager?—She didn't get an answer so she answered on her own.— He came at the beginning of this year. He looked so serious but also very sad. Two eyes filled with envy and determination. He stayed silent the whole way to the castle but when he came back, he seemed different. He was angry. He was boiling in rage even! His eyes reflected perfectly the pain he must've felt. Me and my mom just assumed he came for the royal guards, but we were far from the truth. Before we knew it, he was back with a totally different aura. In two months only, he had grown at least a foot taller and his hair looked like live flames. His skin had turned lava-like and he was covered in jewelry and scars. He had long claws clinging onto a massive sword.

-I saw him like this once or twice... He gave me the creeps!

-I see why...—She paused.—Anyhow! As he made his way through castel town, he didn't look like he had a reminiscent of who he was. He mindlessly killed all the guards that tried to attack or stop him. In only five minutes, not one other tried opposing him and his minions.

-Minions? You mean he wasn't alone?

-Honey, where were you when all that happened?—She said concerned.

-H-Honey...?—He repeated blushing. He cleaned his throat and replied.—Well-uh... I don't remember much from my time as a cat... It's like I've been asleep the whole time! —He hugged himself.— Do you think he even remembers me?— He let a drop roll down his right cheek.

-True love stories never have an ending. It cannot be forgotten, Link. You can only hope he is still the same man you fell in love with in the first place. It has been a very long time ago...—She gently wiped his tears with her kind and warm hands, before taking his.—Don't worry, if you know him, I am sure you can resonate with him!

"I really hope you are right, Telma..." He thought as he looked at the blizzard through the windows.


This day in which the soon to be called "King of demons" arrived at castle-town armed, not only one feeling was there. Frear, Anger, Joy, Sadness... Even with his troupe, he felt alone, unattended, by himself, empty of meaning. No words were enough to describe his loneliness. He wasn't free of his movements. He was like a puppet in a crazy game of kills. If he was, he would have won a long long time ago, yet, his head told him he had lost the war years from now. "What's the point anymore? We killed so many people."

"We need power! That's the point!"

"No... We need him!"

"But he is long gone! Forget him!"

"Never! Just stop this quiet battle already! I don't want to hear you in my head any longer!"

-My lord, Your majesty King Ganon...—Started a boy by his side.

-You may speak.—His demise spoke.

-Master, the throne will soon be yours! Are you proud?—Continued the blond boy.

-I do not feel this sort of accomplishment. I will when I am in possession of the dear triforce!

-But- He was interrupted.

-QUIET!—He screamed in rage.—I spoke, you follow!

He lowered his head and got a better grip on his blue blade. He gave mad stares to the ones who dared to look at them. His name? Link. Or so he said. He serves the demon king now, his title of hero of time was wiped away at the same time as he made his choice. An evil and irregular and unexpected aura followed him. It was as if he was in the wrong body. The ones who got the chance to see his eyes quickly turned away with shivers. It was maybe gloomy that day, but his eyes were noticeable from far away. Two bright red beams breaking the darkness accompanied by a large grin filled with pointed teeth.

Once at the castle, they killed all opponents without even flinching. When it came to the last one alive, Ganon took her by the neck and forced her to reveal the passage to the golden grounds. He walked up to the three triangles and finished the poor girl. "THE POWER IS ALL MINE!"



Well, I finally have a bit over 1000 words in this chapter now! You now have a bit of a background with the events that led to the "Game-Accurate" Ganon if we can say it like that. 

So... When I say  "Ganon" or "Demise" in this fic (In the naration) , I refer to the curse/ evil mind. And when I use "Ganondorf" or "Gan", I talk about the Guerudo, the real deal, the lover, the good guy.

Also, Telma here is younger. Way younger than the 42 game-accurate! ;-; She is like... 19-25 max

Tell me if you have questions, comments, or anything!

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