Chapter 1: New Beginning, Old Friends

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Fun Fact: Deities are highly respected, since their magic powers fundamental parts of society, despite the barriers separating their realms. They cannot be summoned directly from their alternate planes of existence, but a shade of their true form can still be called upon by Shamans, Warlocks, and Clerics.

As such, temples do not exist in this world.

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Once upon a time, there was life. And then came the fear of what it had to offer.

Contrary to mortal belief, death is the end. The end of mortal suffering, but also the beginning of a new life. Often fearful are the souls who must walk this path alone, for carrying the weight of one's sins across the boundaries of the mortal realm was no easy feat. It was for this reason that she was created to guide and comfort them.

She sat in her garden, as she always has since the beginning of time, methodically plucking and sowing her seeds. Each of them represented a new life. Some were tougher than most, while others were so light that she had to pay special attention not to let them float away prematurely. She has always tried her best to treat all of them fairly, although she still had her favourites. A warm glow radiated from her as she picked up another particularly resilient soul to admire it.

A foreign presence invaded her domain, disrupting her concentration. Or at least, a presence foreign from angels like her. She only knew this being all too well.

"Lucifer," she called out curtly. "I don't believe you have any more business with us."

"My, my. Such hostility!" The velvety voice simpered as the demon advanced further towards her. The angel turned her attention to Lucifer wordlessly.

"I do love me a good flirt," Lucifer continued in a sultry voice as he moved uncomfortably close to her. "But I am not here for pleasure today, Azrael."

"Word has it that you've been interfering in the mortal realm. And behind God's back too!" The Devil spoke. "Naughty, naughty little angel. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"It is not within your power to pass judgement, Son of Morn," Azrael said. "There is nothing we can do that can escape God's knowledge. My purpose remains unchanged; my creed is sacrosanct."

"Good." Lucifer's voice dropped to a whisper. "Then I hope you are prepared for your punishment. You should know that blessing those favoured mortals of yours with additional power is a violation of Heavenly law."

He shifted his attention to the soul Azrael was still holding.

"That beloved child of yours has even used his power to break into Purgatory and attempted to steal a soul. The consequences of his behaviour have already betrayed your actions."

A tiny spark of fear ran through the angel, but she stood her ground.

"I gave them a fraction of my power so that they can resist demonic beings like you," Azrael retorted, releasing the soul back into the air. "You were the most beautiful angel, but never the wisest. Small wonder you cannot even see such a simple truth."

Lucifer's body flared momentarily with power, as though he was preparing to fight. Azrael continued staring back at him coldly.

"Azrael, Archangel of life and death." The demon calmed back down. "With all your power, you are still unable to give and take life as you wish. I almost feel sorry for you. Look at your realm. I have drowned countless worlds in death and despair. I can do whatever I want, and you will always be picking up after me."

The angel kept her silence.

"These sinful mortals are undeserving of grace and love." Lucifer scoffed at her inaction, taking his chance to continue. "Actions will be taken to strip away their unmerited privileges, and we will take the pleasure to devour their rotten souls."

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