Chapter 20: When It Rains

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Fun Fact: Most of the world speak a common language, although there still remain a few who cling onto their near extinct native tongue. Hydrus City is a notable country who uses the native tongue as their administrative language.

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Felix had been staring silently into the distance for at least thirty minutes when a shadow intruded his presence. He ignored it for the moment, choosing to fully bask himself in the view before him.

The night cooled quickly, and its mute breeze whistled gently in his ears. Time awaited with bated breath as the skyline hung locked in a moment, almost as if seeking to preserve itself in a painting before slipping away. The boy released a long breath. Sirius City was still a pretty looking place, despite everything that had happened.

"You know, we're quite literally facing the destruction of our country right now."

Felix chuckled to himself, turning to look at his friend. "And it wasn't all that long ago when we were fighting for the fate of humanity itself."

"True. But this time it's personal, isn't it?" Gaius stood beside him, leaning on the railing as he looked at the cityscape as well. He paused for a moment.

"Thank you, Felix."

"Hmm? Ah, don't mention it," Felix muttered absentmindedly. "We're all friends, right?"

"Friends help each other, and not just give without taking." Gaius turned to him. "You always were the strongest one among us, but even the gods have their companions. If you ever need a push, I'll be right there behind you, my friend."

Felix closed his eyes, looking away to hide the solitary tear rolling down his cheek.

"Truth be told, I don't know if I'm strong enough to do what's right. She just... reminds me so much of her," he said. "And when it counts; when we're in the thick of it, I... I don't know if I can be rational enough to lose her again."

"You don't have to." Gaius placed his arm around his shoulder. "You're terrified, that much is plain. So is she. Life disappoints, because we fall short. But you don't have to destroy what you love just to save it."

"What should I do? The only way I know how to beat someone is by using brute force."

"Then don't force your way through." Gaius smiled. "Because I don't think she really reminds you of your sister, Felix. I think she reminds you of yourself."

The memories came back to him one by one. Her endeavour to help others. Her stubbornness. Her power. He clenched his fists. Gods-dammit. Gaius was right on all accounts; he just didn't want to admit it.

"When did you become such a gods-damned guru, Gaius?" Felix grinned. "And I'm the one who's supposed to be psychic."

The two of them stared blankly at each other, before cracking up like a pair of drunkards. The laughter washed over them, ebbed away, and hit them again for no reason. Tension melted away as they tried to stop giggling, only to bellow even harder in laughter. Their reaction was way stronger than what the feeble joke deserved, but still, it felt good.

"Alright, alright, enough horsing around." Felix wiped the tears from his eyes. "Let's go check up on the refugees."

They headed towards the spiral staircase.

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"S-sorry..." the woman mumbled after bumping into Felix. She scurried towards the entrance, keeping his head low as if embarrassed for some reason.

Felix looked around in confusion; that woman wasn't the only one leaving the refugee centre. Small pockets of people were pouring out of their quarters and heading in his direction as well. He hurried over to Cybele, who was speaking rather agitatedly with a man.

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