Chapter 17: E.S.P

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Fun Fact: There are six continents in this world; North, South, East, West, Middle, and Bottom. They were named as such in reference to the earliest seafarers from the Old Pegasus empire, who labelled their own continent as 'Middle Continent'.

Surone is part of the East Continent.

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Felix left the bathroom, drying his hair absentmindedly. He trudged along the corridor in a daze, ignoring the long queue of people waiting for their turn in the shower. The boy closed his eyes in regret.

Was I wrong to believe that there was any hope for us? Are the differences between our two races really so irreconcilable that coexistence is not an option?

He continued his slow walk towards the common room, observing people scurrying around and passing supplies to their neighbours. Metas, as frail as they were, willingly giving their arcani to the wounded magis still bound to their makeshift mattresses. Isis' words rang in his mind again.

Is uniting the world under one standard truly the only way? Must peace be achieved solely by bloodied conquest? Should such a world borne of blood be just scrapped and done over again?

Felix's footsteps slowed down as he entered the doorway of the common room. Aglaia had gotten there before him, and was sharing her arcani with more than half of the entire room. Artificers, or so he assumed, were also passing out handmade prosthetics to those who lost their limbs in the disaster. Despite their horrible circumstances, both races never seemed more cordial before.

"No. Not if I can help it." The boy walked into the room. "I won't let the despairs of this world blind me to its light anymore. All these people... they have a stake in this cruel world. A choice to keep on living despite the suffering all around them. No one should decide how we live, or if we should die. I won't let them."

A clatter of footsteps broke his train of thought.

"Pagonis! Oh, thank the ancestors you're alright!" Nero and his family were scurrying towards him. Felix gave them a warm smile.

"You sacrificed yourself so that we could go free..." Missus Doukas' voice was trembling. "You did that even though you barely knew us."

Felix stepped in shock as the three people fell to their knees before him.

"Thank you... A thousand times, thank you..." Nero bowed at his feet. "We can never repay you for the good you did for our family."

"I was wrong, good sir." Even his son was keeping his head low. "You truly are our Guardians. The heroes of our city. I'm sorry for saying that you were bad people."

"Here. On your feet, everyone." Felix helped them up. "I'm just a guy trying to do some good; I don't deserve such reverence. Seeing you alive and well is all the thanks I need. If you want to repay me, stay safe. That's all I need from you."

"May the Bards sing your praises forever," Nero said, his eyes shimmering with tears.

Felix waited for the family to return to their quarters, before walking towards Aglaia. The crowd around her had largely dispersed, leaving her kneeling beside her parents. They were breathing heavily and looked paler than usual.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"I don't know what's happening..." the girl answered between choked sobs. "I'm giving arcani the same way as I did, but their pain isn't going away this time."

"Let me take over." Felix gently pulled her away, hiding his shock at how cold and clammy her hands had become. A warm glow left his hands, illuminating the enlarged veins of the couple. They stopped heaving after a while, and they closed their eyes seemingly in relief.

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