Chapter 23: The Harbinger's Children (Part Two)

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Fun Fact: There has never been a world war, although countries still have their rivalries. The neighbouring countries, Hydrus City and Pollux Isles, have been competing with each other ever since their independence. Some conspiracy theorists even claim that the Hydrus bomb was originally developed by the Pollux Isles' Artificers.

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All around him was despair as he breathed pain and spat torment. There was nothing but more agony for as far as he could see. Fire seared the air, turning the entire mind space into some sort of Hell.

Still, he did not give up. He pushed hard, wading through the quagmire insistent on trapping him. Felix kept his mind focused on the faint psychic signature. She was far away, but not out of reach yet.

More memories assaulted his mind.

Lives came and went in a fleeting moment. Worlds consumed by war, plague, and death. Cries of agony splatter the fragile canvas as if painted by some cruel, uncaring artist. Strokes after strokes of despair lash out as the sky falls, shrouded in flame. And among them all, desperate cries for the answer to the question.

Why were they given life if naught but suffering awaits even after death?

Felix grunted, collapsing in a trembling heap. It was too much for him to bear. He crawled painfully toward the little figure in the distance. She was so close now, but his strength had already left him. There was no strength left in him to continue. The boy's outstretched hand finally fell limply to the ground.

An unfamiliar voice rang in his head.

March on, my child. Even should you falter, find a way back to life. Seek joy amidst deepest despair. Seize onto hope, even should your demise be looming. Look within for guidance.

And even as darkness descends, find light everlasting!

Felix stirred as energy surged through him. It was not much, but it was enough for him to fight back. The black fog enveloped him again, but pink light burst through them this time, revealing the true nature of those memories.

Legacies preserved for ages, long after men's deaths. Worlds peppered with moments of graciousness and hospitality, even when disasters rage around them. Cries of joy breaking the otherwise gloomy day. People with enough conviction to lift the sky, should it fall on their loved ones.

The boy broke into a run as images flashed all around him like a film reel rolling in reverse. The faint images got clearer and clearer, until he found himself in a familiar room. It looked almost exactly the same as he remembered, except for the girl kneeling with her back turned to him.

Felix stretched out his hand, reaching for her.

"Felix! W-what are you doing here?" Aglaia jumped.

"Aglaia, please stop." Felix's voice was weak, yet determined. "You don't have to do this."

"You don't understand. I must!"

Felix recognised his surroundings. Aglaia's mind had projected itself back to the day the abominations began, and she had already entered his mind. Realisation dawned on him as he recalled the strange voice in his dream that night.

"I wanted to save you first..." she whimpered. "I tried to relieve you of your soul, but I lost control of the power. It's all my fault in the first place. It was I who accidentally transformed the air instead of you. They were right; I am a monster."

"Aglaia, it's alright."

"I couldn't do it. I couldn't end their suffering... I'm so sorry." The girl closed her eyes, shaking her head. "So many voices crying for help... I can't save them all. I can't..."

The Harbinger's Children (Guardians Of The Arcane Chronicles Vol. 2)Where stories live. Discover now