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*Tony's POV*

The pounding of my head right now is telling me I really fucked up last night.

Me rolling over and seeing a little boy on my phone sitting against a wall is telling me I completely blacked out.

I groaned, sat up, rubbed my temples and pulled my blanket over my chest. "Hey." I cleared my throat. "Hey kiddo."

The little boy looked at me and smiled. "Hi."

"Uh, whose phone are you on right now?"

"My big brothers." He nodded. "Porter! She's awake!"

"Bring me my phone bud."

Just the movement from my phone right now is making me sick.

And then Porter was on his phone smiling.

"Now pay me." I heard the little boy.

"Or." Porter pulled him in to his lap. "You can properly introduce yourself."

He smiled. "I'm Tate." He nodded.

"OH." I pulled my blanket up further. "Hi Tate, I'm Tony." I smiled.

"Porter's going to take me to get pancakes. You come?"

"I promise, I will take you both to get pancakes when we move to Bixby. But right now, go nut punch Brooks for me."

"Ok!" Tate yelled and jumped away.

Porter laughed and shook his head. "Good morning drunky pants."

"Oh god." I covered my face.

"How are you feeling?"

"Sore, and I hate myself." I sighed.

"That would probably be because you and Bri fell off a table last night." He nodded.

"Please tell me you were not on the phone when I did that!"

"No, but Colson sent a video."

"OH." I whined and threw myself back. "Do I even want to ask why we're on the phone or what time I called you?"

"You called me at 2:00, and by the end, you asked me to stay on the phone with you so it felt like I was there. Do you remember anything?"

I shook my head. "Do you want to inform me?"

"Long story short, I'm hot, you like my smile and lips, and you want to know how they taste." He laughed.

"Oh my god." I closed my eyes and sighed.

"In which, I told you that wouldn't be a problem, and then you asked me to take my shirt off." He nodded.

Now, my hearts about to beat out of my chest.


Shit shit shit. I'm nervous.

"Tone." My door flew open.

Oh thank god for Sebastian.

"What's up?"

"Mom and dad said you need to get up and get ready for brunch." He nodded.

"Alright." I nodded.

"Hurry up." He closed my door behind him.

"Brunch?" Porter smiled.

"Every Sunday before work with the Harris's." I cleared my throat.

"Tony are you ok?" He scrunched his face.

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