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*Sebastian's POV*

"Come on Seb. You know the best part of any drug and alcohol assembly is the obstacle course with the beer goggles. You HAVE to do it." Saige nodded.

Now, let me explain this to you.

It is Sunday afternoon, about 3:00 actually.

Tony is at work.

Colson should still be at Bri's.

And here I am, sitting in Saige's bed after I jumped the balconies, while she helps me plan some stuff for the assembly my dad wants to hold, and all I can do is stare at her mouth as she shoves cheese puffs in it.

"Sebastian." She sighed.

"Hmm." I raised my eyebrows and looked up at her eyes.

"You didn't hear a word I said." She shook her head.

"Saige, did you expect me to hear a single thing while you're deep throating cheese puffs in your panties? I asked you if I could come over, you said yes, but not a word was said about your lack of pants." I shook my head.

She sighed. "Can we have a conversation like normal people please?"

"Saige we've been having conversations aside from when Tony came in my room cussing me out over Porter. I've been a good boy since I told my parents. We haven't had sex in like, a month. I haven't badgered you about it, but now all I can think about is taking those panties off and you shoving me in your mouth like the cheese puff."

She let out a small smile and rolled her eyes. "I mean. You're not wrong. You did take a step and tell your parents." She rolled and straddled my lap. "And, the only thing you've actually asked for is kissing." She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"See." I moved my hands to her ass and squeezed. "I have been the most well-behaved boyfriend taking steps." I nodded.

"You're not my boyfriend." She shook her head and reached down to grab the bottom of my shirt.

"Yes I am." I lifted my arms. "Shut up." I nodded as she lifted my shirt.

"Really?" She tossed my shirt behind me. "Because, I haven't heard a question from you." She shook her head.

I grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her. "Saige, you know you're my-"

"Hey Gigi." Her door came flying open. "Mom and dad-"

And there he was.

My best friend staring me dead in the eyes as his sister is half naked, on my lap, with my shirt off, all wrapped up in each other.

"Cols." I sighed.

He pursed his lips, shook his head, and rolled his eyes. "Mom and dad want you." He turned to walk out.

"Colson wait!" I slid Saige off me and got up.

"Don't." He turned back around and pointed at me. "Do not walk out of this room without a shirt on Sebastian. My fucking parents are home." He looked at Saige. "Pants, now, hurry up."

And he just simply walked out of her room slamming the door behind him.

"Seb I swear I didn't know he was coming home for dinner." She shook her head. "He normally-"

"I know." I grabbed my shirt off her bed. "He normally does Sunday dinner with Bri. Fuck." I slid my shirt on, leaned down, and kissed her. "Go talk to mom and pop, I will." I sighed. "I will go talk to him."

"Hey." She grabbed the front of my shirt. "If he loves you, he will not make you choose."

I nodded. "I will call you later?"

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