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Hello everyone, I have such a busy weekend coming up but managed to write Mondays chapter early!
*Tony's POV*

Well, word has officially gotten out that Sebastian and Saige are dating.

It has also gotten out that they have been hiding it from Colson.

It's Friday, and Cols still has yet to say a word to Sebastian.

If we're being honest it's freaking me the fuck out and hurting my head because this is a first.

There has never been an argument or fight that they haven't been able to figure out and work through after like, 2 days.

It's been almost a full week.

And here we are, Friday at lunch, Bri, Wendy, Saige, Seb and I at lunch, Colson sitting clear across the cafeteria and the only reason Seb is over here is because he has been told to stay far away from Cols and we game plan for the games at lunch the night of.

Sebastian has been looking at Colson like a beaten puppy the entire time.

"Dude." Wendy threw her juice box at him. "You're freaking me the fuck out, just go talk to him."

"He doesn't want to talk to me." Seb shook his head.

Saige sighed and wrapped her arms around him. "I'm sorry."

He kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand. "It's not your fault. I should've told him."

"You know, instead of him walking in to her room with both of you half naked." I nodded.

They both just looked at me.

"Sorry." I scrunched my face.

"Any advice?" He looked at Bri.

She shook her head. "I've never seen him like this. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've seen you two in arguments before, but not for this long. And we've been together for 2 years."

And as if this life couldn't get any more cruel, Leo and his friends walked by, and the minute he looked at Saige and Sebastian he mumbled the word 'whore.'

"I'm fucking sorry?" Sebastian spun in his chair.

"Oh no. Not her." Leo shook his head. "You."

"Leo don't."

"No. You had the nerve to call me a shitty person, when for months, you've been fucking your bestfriends little sister."

And then he went flying down to the ground, landing flat on his back with Colson standing over him and pointing in his face. "Those last 3 words should've told you that was the wrong thing to say." He pointed at Sebastian. "Bestfriend." Then to Saige. "Little sister. So keep their names out of your fucking mouth."

Now, let me make one thing very very clear to you.

Colson is a cinnamon roll. He is the definition of a golden retriever. He will do the stupidest shit, make you laugh, help you through whatever you need. He's the goodest boy.

Until you let something come out of your mouth that involves the people he loves.

Then he turns in to a chihuahua and will fuck you up.

I saw chihuahua because them mother fuckers are the meanest dogs on the face of this planet.

Don't come for his girls or he's coming for your neck. Bri, Saige, Anna, Wendy and I have not a worry when Colson is around.

Don't come for Sebastian because he's going to remove your legs from your ankles.

Don't come for his family or he's coming for every insecurity you have.

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