Little Incident

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Being in a polyamorous relationship is something Lance hadn't put any thought into before. He was worried he would slip up. What if he gave too much attention to one over the other? What if he upset one of them? Thankfully, Shiro and Keith knew who they were dealing with. They asked Lance to come over to the apartment so he could have a better understanding of everything.

All three clearly stated that they had a strong attraction to each other and that their instincts were very much in agreement. While instincts weren't as strong anymore, they could still feel bad if one connected with another that it distrusts. It was a general role that you should at least consider it when doing something important.

Shiro and Keith then moved into explaining how polyamorous relations worked. The most important thing was that they all loved each other. There is no Keith only likes Shiro or Shiro only likes Lance or etc., it was together.

For the most part, their relationship was just like a monogamous one. The only question Lance could think of was; how did driving work? Cause there would be one person alone with a motorcycle or car. After a good laugh, Shiro and Keith explained that they both have bikes so he could just ride with either one of them. In the car, Shiro was always the driver. He noted that he had given his key to Keith once and he never got them a second time. Otherwise, Keith and Lance could switch out with the passenger seat or both sit in the back.

Their relationship would work as long as they kept the respect and trust they have in each other, as well as always communicating and getting consent. Lance couldn't have been more excited to have two very considerate, very attractive, boyfriends.

They started off slow; showing Lance around their apartment and in turn Lance letting Shiro and Keith know where his dorm was, learning what kind of contact each one was okay with and if they were okay with it in public (all three are pretty cuddly, and they suggested keeping the PDA low since people can still be weird about poly relationships), and finally announced it to their friends.

Allura congratulated them with a knowing smirk, Pidge replied "God, finally they've seen the billboard signs.", Matt wished them a happy future, and Hunk gave Lance one of his bear hugs and told Lance he was proud of him. It was the most content Lance had been in a long time.

They also got to know more about each other. Lance learned that Shiro and Keith had actually known each other before but were separated for a few years. Shiro had lost his arm in a bad car accident not long before he started college. He was trying to avoid a drunk driver but still hit the road's bank and the car did a lot of rolling. Also, Shiro calls Keith 'Sugar Bear' to piss him off. Lance then in turn told them that he was actually from Cuba, but his household moved to join the rest of their extended family. He was the youngest of five kids, and he loved music.

Lance found himself comfortably settling into the relationship. This, this is what he had always wanted. They hadn't been going for long, but Lance had had plenty of time to get to know Shiro and Keith, and from the beginning they have been the best and beyond.


Lotor knew that he had gotten to Lance. Lance's new act had almost worked on him, but he was still the same as before. It wouldn't be difficult to reign the rebellious omega back in. Lotor wanted him, and Lotor always got what he wanted. Simple as that.

Everything was going smoothly for a while. Every time he saw Lance, and those other two were nearby, Lance would run away. He stopped going to hangouts with his friends and even wasn't showing up to that study thing. Lotor knew Lance would turn back to him soon enough if things kept up like this. Lance hated being lonely. So the real question would be: did he hate loneliness or Lotor more.

Then he found out.

Of fucking course. Of course those two pests had to have an open relationship. Lotor had walked the trail that passes Lance's again, except this time it took him a minute to actually find him. He was between those two, hands interlocked as they went. He had put the perfect words into Lance's head to have him come crawling back! This shouldn't be happening!

Lotor had to take a minute to recollect himself. He could just come up with another plan. He managed to get information on Lance's life through his father's name, he was sure he had another connection he could use.

Lotor was trying to come up with something else as he passed one of the science lab buildings. A student and teacher were carefully hurrying a set of chemicals outside. It drew Lotor's interest.

"Is everything alright?"

"Oh yes, it's of no concern young man. A student mixed the wrong materials so we're just waiting for the reac—,"Her sentence was cut short by a flare-like fire that came out of the bottles with a sharp sound,"...tion. As you can see, safety has to come first." She gave one last nod to Lotor before she started the cleanup process.

He had been right, this little incident was interesting, and it had given him a great new idea to get Lance back. So, he pulled out his phone, selected a contact and waited for it to connect.

"I need a list of the lowest-scoring chemistry students on campus."

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