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There had never been freedom that had tasted so sweet as that that comes after exams. One could almost feel the collective sigh of relief of the entire campus as they finished. Plus, winter break would be starting soon and Lance would finally have some free time. There was a whole list of dramas that he had been neglecting. Lance was walking back from his last exam, ready to do nothing. He stopped though when he spotted a familiar face.

"Hey Pidge, what's up?"

"You see how we both look. Coming out of exams, of course," they let out a long breath.

"Well, we're almost at the finish line. Just half a week more of classes and we have almost a whole month without scantrons and their evil counterparts."

Pidge nodded solemnly in agreement.

"Oh, before I forget, the study group is getting together on the second day of break at my family's house to celebrate our temporary release. Figured the first day we'll all still be dead, but you would still be here for the second before going home."

"Yeah, that sounds great! I'll be there. Also, I'll be here all break. Since I got a job, I'd rather just stay and then visit on long weekends and closer to the actual day of the holidays. An hour away isn't so bad of a trip to make on the train line."

"Oh cool, I'll try invite you and Hunk to hang out over break then."

"Sounds great. Now, let's both go pass out for a few hours."

"Sounds great indeed," they waved bye as they went in the opposite direction toward their dorm.

The first day of break came around and Lance reveled in being able to stay in bed and binge-watch shows. Since he had gotten Shiro and Keith's help with his schedule, life had been a lot less painful. Sure, it was still challenging, but at least he didn't feel like a walking trash bag.

Thinking about their help reminded Lance of how he had fallen asleep at the cafe. He had been mortified when Keith nudged him awake. They had already done the schedule and wanted to have him look it over before leaving. How could he fall asleep in front of them? In public of all places! His face had felt like it was ready to melt as a deep blush spread all the way to his ears. He then tried profusely apologizing for falling asleep and not helping out, but Shiro and Keith wouldn't hear anything about it. They insisted that he needed it and that they were more than happy to complete the schedule while he slept. Lance tried to pull back at least a calm demeanor as they headed back toward campus, but it wasn't going very well. He tried to hide his face the whole way back. Lance only managed to thank Shiro for the ride back and both of them for their help. As soon as he had reached his bed, he let his body fall forward and screamed into the mattress. Hunk came through the joint door to ask him if he was alright. Lance then regaled him with the last few hours of events.

"I looked horrible, Hunk! Then I fell asleep! Kill me now..."

Hunk had a laughing fit at the expense of his best friend, before trying to reassure him that he was sure they didn't mind and that it would just be a funny story in the future. Lance groaned in response, throwing himself back on the bed. What a way to make an impression on his crushes, who were dating he had official found out, and yet far too nice to him. If he couldn't be with either of them, he had genuinely wanted to be their friend. What an impression he made. He prayed that the next time he ran into the two he could stay put together for once.

Well, the next run-in with the two had confirmed it; the universe hated him. It was out to get him!

Lance had been running late to the get-together already, but after arriving and greeting everyone, he went to join them on the half circle they had formed to watch movies and play games. He realized that they were spread out to where there wasn't quite enough space for him on either end. He was about to ask Hunk if he could make a spot for him, but Allura beat him to it.

Watching You, While You're Watching Us (Shklance)Where stories live. Discover now