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Alaina POV-

The blaring sound of the alarm clock disrupted my sleep. I groaned as I groggly snapped my eyes open, slamming my hand repeatedly against the snooze button, with no success of shutting it up. I sat up and unplugged the clock before reaching for a sip of water, checking my phone for the time in disbelief.

"9 am? Fuuuckk"

Shocked and slightly irritated, I quickly sprang out of bed, rushing to the dorm washroom to freshen up. Quickly throwing my hair up into a messy bun before getting myself ready and rushed out toward the classrooms.

Why didn't my alarm go off at 6? I look a mess and I haven't eaten anything. I can't believe this. A wave of embarrassment took over me as I kept my head down.

I ran for what felt like forever to the other side of the school where classes were held, finding my first class of the day, physics, I attempted to be as discreet as possible and tried to lurk into the class staying close to the wall, only to be intercepted by the teacher.

"Ah, miss..." he trailed off, struggling to recall my name.

"Gonzales, sir," I replied in a low voice, almost a mumble. My face grew hot as I felt the eyes of everyone in the room land on me at once. My heartbeat quickened and goosebumps threaded up my arms.

"Right. You're late, ma'am; let this be your last time."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir," my voice shook as I apologized, I scanned the room as my eyes met with every single person that looked at me. I let out a nervous sigh.

"Have a seat next to mister Morales; we were just talking about the laws of physics," the teacher instructed, pointing to the empty seat next to a very handsome but aloof guy.

Miles Morales, I let out a small sigh of relief at the familiar face from my old school. His presence wasn't as warm as I remembered, but refreshing nonetheless.

I took my seat next to him, flustered, slightly annoyed at myself and very much embarrassed. I notice his cold distant stare, he didn't even turn to acknowledge me.

My heart raced as I took a deep breath, unintentionally breathing in his scent, a clean, crisp aroma with hints of nature and a light, refreshing cologne scent, filled the air around me and I gladly took it in.

I'd forgotten I had such a deep crush on him back at Brooklyn High; we never spoke or interacted much outside of group projects and presentations and we were from two different worlds, so I always knew I wouldn't have a chance with him.

He was the perfect picture of popularity back at B.H girls practically threw themselves into his bed. He'd never take me seriously.

I decided it was for sure after he'd transferred. I figured I'd never see him again. Still, I kept my cool, letting out a discreet sigh as I attempted to regulate my nerves.

As I settled, I realized that I forgot my whole pencil case. Ugh, how could I forget? It was right on my desk, right next to my backpack.

I internally flicked myself as I turned my body completely under the desk. I shook my leg furiously as my irritation with myself grew. I let out another frustrated sigh.

Authors POV-

She stole a glance at Miles, who appeared to be side-eyeing her, which made her hesitant to ask him. Ultimately, she sat with folded hands, drawing more attention from the teacher.

"Miss Gonzales! Please. Stand up," the teacher called, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Hm?" She couldn't get a word out, her heart sank to her stomach as she heard her name being called so suddenly. More attention.. she hated attention.

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