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Alaina groaned heavily and rolled over, slowly opening her eyes as the sun's rays streamed through the large window in front of her bed.

Her body ached as if it had been struck by lightning. She lazily reached out to the side, feeling the empty space on the bed. Startled, she lifted her head and scanned the room. He was gone.

A wave of disappointment washed over her, making her feel dirty as she stood up to find her phone, realizing she was completely naked.

Memories of the night before flooded her mind, causing her to feel the sensations all over again. She closed her eyes, remembering how he looked at her as if she were the only girl in the world.

The way his hands gripped her body assertively with each passionate thrust into her, his muffled moans as he held her close. His deep, expressive voice telling her how beautiful she was, over and over again.

It was everything she had imagined, especially the way he spoke to her as she came down from each intense orgasm. Her stomach flipped again, she felt as though she were reliving the moment all over again.

Alaina closed her eyes and sank back into the bed, feeling both satisfied and a bit disappointed that she didn't wake up to find him beside her. However, it seemed his uncle had something important for him to handle, so she decided not to dwell on it.

Opening her eyes again, she let out a loud, blissful sigh, truly content with how the night had turned out. Although, it wasn't the reason she had invited him over; still, she was glad he came.

A chirp from under the bed signaled a notification on her phone. She couldn't fathom how it ended up there. Wrapping the silk top sheet around herself, she dangled her head off the side of the bed and reached for it.


Goodmorning garisol 🌻 you up yet?

Yes, Goodmorning love 💕

How you sleep?

Amazing 🥰

mean I did my job 😏

You did 😩😩

I'm mad I couldn't be there to see your pretty face when you woke up. I got some business to take care of with my uncle.

I understand I appreciate you spending the time☺️
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Gosh look at you bbg 😍.

I'll be back ight?

Ok 😚
Read 10:30 am

Alaina's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but blush at her phone. An excited squeal escaped her. At that moment, she realized how much she missed Louisa. She wouldn't believe that she was now Miles Morales' girlfriend—she'd be ecstatic. They've secretly swooned over him for years, never really thinking they'd ever have a chance.

It had been a little over two months since Alaina last spoke to her best friend. Harsh words were exchanged, feelings were hurt, and hearts were broken.

Alaina wished she could take it all back, wished she had the courage to call Louisa back after hanging up on her that day, but at the time she was so hurt that she didn't care what happened in the moment.

Moonlit Shadows: Prowler's Silent Passion Where stories live. Discover now