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-filler chapter-


Miles and Alaina to grow incredibly close. While he remained quiet and distant with everyone else, their private moments revealed a different side of him—sweet and protective. They spent time together every day after school, often finding peace on a secluded spot on the roof.

The secluded rooftop was a chill vibe, they sat with their feet dangling, staring out at the city, engaging in some very intimate conversations. Alaina knew that Miles needed someone to confide in, someone who could understand him.

Although her father wasn't dead, she felt as though he might as well be, she hasn't heard from him in over a year and she could hardly stand it. Alaina empathized with Miles, knowing he faced the permanent absence of his father.

"You're dad really favored me you know," she stated matter-of-factly, catching Miles off guard. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he sought any hint of deception on her face.

"You knew my dad?" he asked, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah," Alaina chuckled. "Every time he'd come to the school, he'd come looking for me. He was a very wise man; I learned a lot from him," she explained, taking a chip from the bag and leaning back on her hands. Gazing out at the bustling city that never slept. "Seriously?" Miles remained shocked at the revelation.

"Yeah, if there wasn't a fight to break up or a kid to arrest, he'd hang around with me and Louisa between periods. We learned a lot from him. I remember one day, my mom and dad were arguing really bad, and I came to school in distress. I couldn't focus, and he brought me donuts," Alaina laughed as she recalled the memory.

"He reassured me that it wasn't my fault, although I really felt like it was. They were arguing about me; I wanted to join the matheletes, but we couldn't afford it at the time. My mom was against it, worried about bills, but my dad was all for it. It got pretty violent. Chief Davis explained to me the difficulties and differences that adults have when they're separated with kids. He told me about a domestic violence case he worked a few years prior and how he helped that family escape a potentially deadly situation," she continued, a lump forming in her throat. Tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"He told me he knew my parents from when he went to high school, and he'd have a talk with them. I didn't want him to at first; I figured he'd get me into more trouble. But I came home later that day, and they were loving on each other like nothing ever happened. They never fought like that again, not in front of us, anyways," Alaina finished, now full-on sobbing at this point.

"He was a really good friend Miles and he'll always have my respect," Alaina said.

Suddenly he took her in his arms, rubbing her back as she cried into his neck. Softly, he was shedding tears too, but he didn't want her to hear. Alaina pulled back, wiping his tears as if she already knew. Neither of them said anything for a moment. Alaina took his face in her hands, caressing his cheeks as she leaned her body into his, wiping his tears with her thumbs.

"Thanks for telling me that," he spoke after a few minutes of silence. "I ain't know he was that tight with anyone from school. I guess I can see why he'd gravitate toward you," he continued. Alaina looked down, fiddling with her fingers, fighting to keep tears from falling again.

"Yeah, we were close ever since," she spoke her voice cracking. He lifted her gaze to meet his, a grave expression on his face. He wiped her tears, in that moment, the only thing he wanted to do was hold her close. He knew his community felt a great lost when his father died but hearing how it directly impacted his girl made his thirst for revenge even sweeter.

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