Bowser Interrogated

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Bowser is sitting in a darkened room. The only thing in the room was two chairs, one of which he was sitting on, and a table, with a view of space. Haruka then suddenly walks in.

Haruka: Bowser?

Bowser: Haruka? Long time no see.

Haruka: Not that long to be exact. (Sits down)

Bowser: Before we go into this good cop bad cop routine, let me make this clear. Me and Mario are not to blame for the first emigration group exploding the minute they stepped out. I saw it happen with my own eyes. So did Mari-

Haruka: Cut the crap, Bowser. How do I know that your lying right now?

Bowser: Why would I want to kill them if I wanted to stop them from going there. I had no intention in killing any of the group.

Haruka: Not even Fleming?

Bowser: Not even Fleming. In fact, how do we know your not responsible for it. Maybe that "crazy rambling" of mine wasn't too far off.

Haruka: I didn't want to kill them either. But that's not why you're here. I'm assuming you know about that essay that was published on the server.

Bowser: I do. It's not hard to hear news when people are talking constantly about it.

Haruka: Well, it's filled with classified data from past battles, and someone took it. The person entered a code, which happens to be yours before your mutiny. All comes down to one thing; you're the author.

Bowser: Damn, Haruka, you make a fine detective. Why don't you use that often? There's just a few problems with your scenario. 1. I'm not the author. 2. It's not stolen if it's authorized by a central committee member, and who's that? Me. And 3. You also stole it. This data is from Charles Mario, Haruka.

Haruka: What?

Bowser: Mario told me that his dad, Charley, had a briefcase that he passed over to his wife before he died, and she gave it to Luigi before she died. Then, it was in the data banks, carelessly thrown away like a bad dream. And why is that, baby? Why would you throw it away like it's nothing? To leave behind the past? Or did you think that this was the only way.

Haruka: (gets up from seat) Don't call me "Baby" anymore. Those days are long gone. And what do you mean by "this".

Bowser: This. This life in space. Haruka, what if I told you that this search for a habitable planet is worthless? That you're just leading us to a false paradise that will kill us all? That is what your afraid of?

Haruka: Isn't that what your afraid of? That this life is getting ahead of you? Bowser, you need to stop living in the past. You're only hurting yourself. And the worst part, you're bringing Mario down with you. Returning to earth isn't gonna fix anything. It's too worth the risk.

Bowser: Ok, that's it. (Gets up from seat) Don't be saying that cliche to me. And you're telling me this while spreading the rumor of returning to home? (Chuckles) Some leader. Babe, let me tell you something. We've been traveling through space for 20 years, and look where it's gotten us at. People are starving, thirsty, getting sick, killing themselves and each other. And we haven't found a single habitable planet similar to earth. Was that your idea of a better future for us? This is a futile plan, Haruka. It's only gonna get worse and worse until we all die. So yeah, I'm afraid to say it to you, love, but it's true. You did this plan for nothing.

The two Koopas stared at each other, silence surrounding the room. Haruka wanted to counter this argument, but she realized that Bowser might be right. She begins to tear up, before sitting down.

Haruka: This meeting is done. You can go back to your cell.

Bowser: Just what I thought. (Begins to head back) You know what to do afterwards. We both know it.

As Bowser leaves, Haruka just looks at her former lover, before looking down. Realizing what needs to be done, she walks out of the room, without saying a word.

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