2nd session

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Mariyan POV

The cold air blowing, the birds chirping and trees outside the window... The annoying birds chirping and the sky today is dark and it looks as if it is about to pour down from the sky just the way I like it, the sound of the rain hitting the roof makes me sleepy and comforts me in a way.

Looking to the side I look and see my own therapist or psychiatrist, same thing really because both pretend to care about you but all they want is the money and at least other doctors will be honest with you about wanting money but they pretend to care...Then again, why should they care?

"Can you answer me?" with those words I snap out of my thoughts and ask her what she wants "The fire alarm incident, why did you set it off?".

I think for a second but decide to be honest with her mostly because there is no use in lying about something like this and if anything making lies is more tedious than telling the truth so I should maybe get this over with as soon as possible.

"I am...I pulled the alarm because I almost...Got beat up." I look down, even when I say it out loud it sounds like a horrible punchline for a joke that no one would even laugh at, let alone believe.

"A fight, were the guards not in the cafeteria?" I snap back at her, feeling slight anger at the obvious answer of that question "If they were in then I wouldn't have pulled it now would I?" as soon as I say that I feel a heavy feeling in my chest and I even almost apologize but I hold it back "There were 2 but they got tossed back like ragdolls"

"It's fine I am not angry as fear can often make us all do more irrational actions." What... No, I am not..."Don't do that" I yell at her in frustration as I feel  insulted by her own words "I was not scared and I am not a coward." I say but she simply says nothing and looks back down at her own paper before talking once more "If you don't mind I want to ask about when you were younger...Before you were orphaned." She questions but even I cannot provide an answer to that.

"I don't know, I can't remember much before I was 11." I answer her truthfully because the truth is while I have faint memories I cannot remember much but I do remember my own mother and father and she tells me to tell her what I can remember so I try to think as much as I can.

After getting my thoughts together I look to respond to her "I remember coming to Gotham." is the only answer I give as I don't know what to tell her and a part of me wants to end this session already and yet...

"Hm, so what of your mother and father I looked in your files but you've been undocumented in Gotham since you came so can you can tell me anything you want" She asks me a question i was expecting but I shake my head not wanting to discuss them and she nods and moves onto the next question or gets ready to but stops midway and places it down "You know what how about you tell me how you've been feeling...You don't have to tell me everything and I meaning feeling not just now but for the past few weeks or even months." what she asks...I've told people how I've felt before but they've always laughed or never could understand.

"I uh...I don't know-" I say but before I can finish she stops me "Just be honest, don't think too much into it or...Nej Nej, I want you to write a story or poem for me." she take out a pen and a notebook before sliding it over to me "You keep this, I want you to write-" before she can finish i already tell her what I have as I had a diary already but she still gives it to me "If you did then it's likely with police, but still I want you to keep this and write in it and you don't have to show me but-"

"Thank you but...It's not the same, I wrote down everything and if I do it again...I don't know, it'd be a drag." Is the only way I can put how I feel and even then even I don't know what i am talking about "Alright then, but...You will be going to-...I...You should still keep it for our next  sessions just incase."

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