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Waking up to the sound of my cell opening I look up and see guards motion me to come with them and I do just that, the sun is rising and I get up and go but I'm stopped "Hands out" I stop confused but I see hand cuffs and I can't help but sigh before putting my hands out and they put them around my wrist and I tell them about my bag and they grab it and I hope that I get it back so at least I won't die of boredom.

With that I follow them down the white halls, almost gets you dizzy should you look at them for too long, but could be worse...It could be dark green, dark green really makes me nauseous and shaky.

Eventually we come outside and there are lines of prisoners and I get a few looks, mostly from the guards and from one of the trucks I hear a...Roar, an animal of sorts that sounds very angry and very hungry...

I board one of the buses and sit down in the front and I ignore the ramblings and antics of the other prisoners. The handcuffs hurting my wrist and feeling like it'll bruise me I trust my best to adjust as best as I can and move as little as possible as it feels like the more I move the tighter it feels.

Eventually guards calm the entire bus down...Well as down as you can get when you have the criminally insane on a bus but when I look to the side I get a few looks from most of the guards "What, I'm not gonna do anything" I raise my hands and show them and they look away before standing and looking at the other prisoners with about 4 guards on the bus excluding the driver.

The bus starts to move and I feel a bit sick, mostly from the sudden movement of the bus and the fact that it's been ages since I've been in truck or car of any sorts and you can only take so much before...

Just barely I cover my mouth and try to control my own breathing to stop from vomiting anything up and one of the guard glance over at me and I shake my head to say I'm fine...Oh god never in my life had I thought I'd say the words "Please hurry and get to the asylum" because if this keeps on then I am done for, Perma AFK, Cheesed, Gonna aim down sights, GG's No re...All the gamer lingo I can think of I am done for if I don't get off soon.

I stop and breathe, looking out the window to get a sense of direction that can hopefully help me breathe.

The bus goes though a fairly forested path away from the main city, as I look out the window I see Gotham getting further and further and to some degree I do feel a bit anxious about it if I'm being honest...

Looking to the left outside the window behind I see more buses but the most notable are armored trucks...What prisoners could be dangerous enough for there to be literal Armored trucks?

In silence I sit and stare out the window, the fall leaves falling from the trees, the once cold hot air of summer coming to an end and the leaves dying...Soon there will be snow falling and the cold season may be my favorite of them all because the heat really irritates my skin and does me no favors so I tend to not go outside when heat is really excessive.

Eventually the trees clear and the view I see ahead is a bridge, a bridge that we we go across and looking to the side I see...Wait, are those police boats?

I almost fall off the seat when we hit a bump and start crossing over the bridge and the only thing that stops me is one of the guards grabbing me before I fall over completely and rest is a bit of a bumpy ride, not only across the bridge but the Island itself and the forest are almost dead with multiple guard checkpoints.

At this point I don't know what to think, it's not like I am expecting to escape because there's not a point in it and I am not exactly the smartest and there's not much use in it in the first place and even if some miracle I did escape I don't know where to go.

Looking out the bus and into the sky I start to remember when I went to a grocery store alone, It was last year and I saw a girl...She was beautiful and I remember she spoke Spanish to her brother and I... Felt something, anger of the sorts and a bit of admiration as I could feel my blood boiling.

Experiment of the cursed walls (Dc Universe)Where stories live. Discover now