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I may sound narcissistic

But ever since I was a child

People have made an effort to mention

my physical looks

or make a hint or concession 

towards it,

even strangers

who I may never see again.

even when breaking down

and revealing my past

my pains and regrets

I've been told

''at least you look good.''





But what does this mean to me?

I am not my looks.

They are something 

which have been given to me

the moment I came 

crying and screaming 

into this world.

I want to be seen 

not for my superficial exterior.

I want someone to tear apart my skin

open up my heart 

my brain

my soul

dissect it all.

To see

even the dark crevices of my heart

my pain

my sorrow

my anger 

and to deem me beautiful then.

I want to be recognised

even if my physical exterior is morphed 

into something unrecognisable.

For someone to see me 

as something deeper

than my skin.

For what is external beauty?

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