Real Families, Or ???

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It had been a week since I had joined the Whitaker family. I'd made myself at home, or at least I felt right at home. Helen and I spent Saturday morning in the kitchen, making peach cobbler. We delivered some to Elise and Paul, and had a nice visit. We also gave some to Mrs. Richardson, who asked if Josh and I had set a date for our wedding. I carried in firewood for her, intentionally getting my hands dirty for the first time. I couldn't wait to tell Josh!

We dropped in on the Schwartzes, and I got to try real German strudel. Josh was quite envious. He loves Mrs. Schwartz's strudel, especially fresh from the oven.

When he pulled in, I went out to greet him. I was smiling, and had to tell him all about my day. It just couldn't wait!

After we talked, and he got cleaned up for dinner, Shannon pulled in. She came to the door, and asked to speak to Josh alone, outside. I remained in the house, watching and listening through an open window.

Shannon didn't appear happy, and what she had to say explained why.

"Joshua, I still can't believe you have a starling staying in your home. I won't believe she's changing. More than that, I refuse to forgive her for what she's done to me. As long as she has a place – any place – in your life, you will have no place in mine. I will not share you with her."

Josh replied, "Elise was a starling, and a worse one, but you and she are great friends. Why can't you give Amanda that same chance?"

Shannon pointed at me in the window as she hissed- "Elise has never hurt me. THAT one has. Repeatedly!"

Josh calmly replied, "If you're not willing to try to find forgiveness, then you are no longer the girl I love. That means you no longer have any place in my life." He turned and walked away. His parents and brother had walked out onto the porch to listen, and I joined them. I'd heard his entire conversation with Shannon. I had tears in my eyes. My heart actually ached for him.

Dinner that evening was one of the quietest in memory. After dinner, Josh and I cuddled up on the couch. We finally discussed it.

"I'm sorry, Josh. I didn't want your relationship with Shannon to end like this."

"Amanda, anyone who can't accept your changing isn't worthy of my friendship. Or yours. We will be learning who our true friends are, and the ones who accept you are the ones to keep."

Elise had warned us that our friends and families may not react well to our relationship. It was not just the other starlings who walked away. Elise was about to become a key influence in my life. We would form a friendship that would last a lifetime. But there were dark days ahead for me...

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