The big day

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I sat bolt-upright in bed. My heart was racing, the adrenaline pumping.

"It's my wedding day!"

I got up, and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Mrs. Amanda Whitaker." My smile felt permanent.

"Good morning, sunshine," Elise said. "Ready for your big day?" She was flipping pancakes, and frying maple sausage links. I sat down, and poured a glass of orange juice.

Bret said, "We'd better eat quick. It's oh-seven-thirty now, and we need to be to the church by oh-nine-hundred hours. The ceremony is scheduled to start at ten-hundred, and we don't want the VIP to be late."

Paul was snacking on a sausage link.

He asked, "Auntie Amanda, are you happy?" I grinned at him, and hugged his shoulders.

When I was ready to go, I grabbed my dress, veil, and shoes.

"Can one of you get the door for me? My hands are full."

"I'll help you," Bret answered. When I got to the door, Bret was wearing faded blue jeans, and a T-shirt printed to look like a suit and tie.

"Really, Bret? Tell me you're not wearing that to the church."

"You said I need to be dressed up." He had a goofy grin. He hung a black garment bag on a hook in the back of his SUV.

When we arrived at the church, Barney, Ruby, and Raina were already there. We were greeted by Reverend Eric, and Velma, the organist. We were shown to the room we'd use to get ready. There were privacy curtains on the windows. They gave us total privacy while still allowing in plenty of light. Raina was wearing a smock over her dress. She helped me get changed into my dress, and was helping me with my veil when Tabby walked in.

Raina said, "Hi, Tabby. I'll be with you in just a minute."

I stood in front of a mirror, and applied my lipstick. I adjusted my veil slightly. I was nervous, and fidgeting.

Tabby said, "Wow, Amanda. You look amazing. Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be. Who all was here when you arrived? We've been hearing cars coming in."

"I'm not sure."

"Are Robert, Helen, and Reuben here yet?"

"Dad and I picked up Reuben at seven, and went out for breakfast. Robert and Helen were going to pick-up the Schwartzes, and bring them here."

Raina peeked out a window.

"Yes, they're here. I see Josh's pick-up. I see Aunt Helen's car. Those are the only ones I recognize."

Raina pulled another chair from the stack.

"Tabby, come sit down here. Have you applied your lipstick yet?"

"Not yet." She pulled it out of her little purse.

"May I?" Raina carefully applied Tabby's lipstick, and handed it back. She began combing and primping Tabby's hair. When she was done, she opened a suitcase sized make-up kit. She applied a very subtle eye-shadow.

She said, "Tabby, go look at yourself in the mirror."


Raina took off her smock, and got busy applying her own make-up. She touched up her hair, changed her shoes, and we were ready.

At five minutes before ten, there was a knock on the door.

Robert said, "Places, everyone."

Raina opened the door, and we started out. Reuben was waiting for Tabby. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. He was wearing his suit, and his shoes had a fresh shine.

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