Thank You For Being A Friend

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The Saturday before Thanksgiving, I was in the kitchen with Helen. She moved the turkey into the fridge to thaw, and we were planning the menu.

"Amanda, would you be okay with me inviting Samantha?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. I just thought maybe you'd be a little uncomfortable with her being here. It will be her first Thanksgiving with our family."

"Helen, my last Thanksgiving was at a fancy restaurant. They served pâte, and foie gras. All anyone discussed were investments, and upcoming parties. My mom drank very expensive wine, and my dad had some sort of whiskey. I've never experienced any holiday with a real family before. This will be a new experience for me, too." Helen hugged me.

"I'm sorry, Amanda. You've become so much a part of our family, it seems like we've known you for years. I keep forgetting it's only been months."

We had just finished dinner on Monday evening, when there was a gentle knock on the door. Bret was the only one who heard it. Elise and I had Paul giggling as we were clearing the table.

Bret answered the door.

"I'm looking for Amanda. Is this the right house?" It was Tabitha.

Bret answered, "She's in the kitchen."

I hurried out to the living room.

"Tabby? What are you doing here?"

"I'm lonely. I'm also feeling a little bit scared."

Bret said, "You're safe here, Tabitha."

Tabby and I did homework together. She asked for help with geometry, which I'm not great at. Bret helped her.

He told her, "You should have Amanda drive you out to Robert and Helen's. Josh is better at geometry than anyone I know. He's also really good with English. Especially when we're shooting pool."

I asked, "What does playing pool have to do with nouns and verbs?"


Elise asked, "Is that how you lost that twenty dollars?" Bret looked sheepish. He nodded.

Elise asked, "Tabitha, why didn't you call Reuben? I'm sure they would have picked you up."

"I did. Josh answered Reuben's phone. He said Reuben was in trouble, and their parents took his phone away. He said Reuben won't be able to talk to me for the rest of the week."

I grabbed my phone and texted Josh.

"Is Reuben really in trouble?"

"No, why?"

"Tabby just told me you told her."

"Reuben was in the bathroom when his phone rang."

I called Robert.

"Hi, Robert. Tabby is here with us. She's going to be spending the night."

"Is she okay?"

"She's fine. She tried calling Reuben, but Josh answered his phone. He told Tabby that Reuben is in trouble."

"Josh is the one who will be in trouble. Oh, we're wanting to invite Tabby and her dad for Thanksgiving. Can you pass along the message for me?"

"She's right here, and I have it on speaker. Tabby, do you and your dad already have plans?"

"No plans. Thank you, Mr. Whitaker. I'll talk to my dad."

Bret called Dale, to let him know Tabby was staying.

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