13 | A Drizzle of Loyalty

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"I promise to do my best." To make my mother proud. I just hoped I hadn't failed her already.

"I could never ask for more," a soft voice said back.

My eyes focused on the dark wolf and her grinning muzzle. I hadn't meant to speak the words aloud, but Mist's act of kindness deserved my promise all the same.

I'd been so distracted by what could be and what had been, that I couldn't see what was right in front of my nose, now.

The way Mist led her pack, it wasn't like an alpha. Her tongue was never harsh, her eyes were never arrogant. I stared right into her heart through the green-ringed threshold. Any trace of the former coldness had crumbled in the moonlight. It glowed brightly in her smile, kind and loving. She was a mother.

"There are still a couple things we need to do to make it official."

I swallowed, hoping whatever it was wouldn't be hard or painful. Mist merely tilted her nose to the sky.

"It's a full moon. The perfect night for an initiation." She lowered her gaze to me. "A vow of loyalty is all I require, but first, I think we'd all like something to call you."

A name. She wanted me to pick a name. I hadn't known what it was when we met, but now, the memories from this morning, of my mother's story, drifted through my mind. I didn't know how I felt about it, but maybe it would grow on me.

I took a deep breath. "Drizzle," I said. "That's my name."

"Drizzle it is." The corner of her lip curled upward in a smile.

I heard a snort from beside me, but I didn't bother turning to the muzzle that uttered it. It only stoked the flame––or perhaps, the rain. It was my name, whether or not he liked it. And it meant there was one less thing he could use against me.

"Do you, Drizzle, promise to be loyal to your pack?"

My eyes snapped back to the alpha. I hadn't expected it to start so suddenly. It was a simple question, yet my stomach churned with the pressure. I couldn't sound stupid, scared, or hesitant, because every gaze in the clearing had drifted toward me.

"Yes," I said, expelling all my worries in a single breath.

"Do you swear to do everything in your own ability to help your pack?"

So there was more. And this one, it was a little deeper. I didn't know how much I could ever help this pack, and noticed the emphasis on the word as they left her muzzle. She understood my shortcomings––but what if I never got used to my injury? If I ended up as useless as I was now, would I let her down?

I swallowed the bile before I spoke, hoping the stench of worry wasn't too strong on my pelt. "Yes."

Mist nodded. "And finally, will you always treat these wolves as your own blood? To protect your family with your life, for as long as you're with us?"

Family. There was that word again. Were they really a family, just a mother, her pups and another, lone wolf? And then there was me, the most alone of them all.

I breathed in the sweet, milky scent of my mother. My siblings yipped all around me, and my heart raced with a thumping joy. Then it flashed to my sister, bloodied and torn, giving her life for us. Tears wet my cheeks.

Blinking them away, I met the alpha's eyes. I welcomed the idea of a new family, I just wasn't sure where to start.

"Yes." The word left my muzzle with confidence, though my resolve only trembled inside.

Mist cocked her head once more, and joy glowed in her eyes. "Let Luna and her stars bear witness to your oath," she said, her voice firm and resolute. "I'm happy to welcome you to our pack."

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