My foreleg folded beneath me as I crouched at the small, cavern stream. Cloud stood at my side, her weight leaning gently into my shoulder for support, and she reached her snout over the water. She gently lapped a few muzzle-fuls before she pulled away, sitting down and licking the stray droplets off her chops.
I gave her a second to settle, and her dreary eyes drifted around the cave. She ran her tongue over her teeth, and smacked her gums together as if her mouth were still dry.
"Do you need any more water?" I asked.
She shook her head. "I'm fine, Drizzle." The words came out short and sharp.
"Okay." With a timid smile, I nuzzled her chin, but she only winced at the contact. Ever since she'd woken again, a grogginess tainted each of her words. Her ears drooped, and her lips were curled in a scowl.
Backing a couple steps, I gave her some space, and Cloud lay down on her belly. I sighed to myself and sat a couple strides away, while she buried her muzzle beneath her tail and hid her eyes behind its thick fur. A pained whine curled its tendrils around each of her slow breaths, and my eyes traced the reddened fur along her sides.
Now that some of the shock had worn away, the numbness replaced with an aching pain, she wasn't as good at hiding her frustrations.
I knew it was hard to suddenly become so dependent on someone else. She was reluctant to let me help her get water, hesitant to admit the amount of pain she was in. I wanted to help her, but I didn't want to overstep.
She wasn't making it easy. If I wasn't firm, she'd undoubtedly hurt herself more.
Cloud's ears perked at a noise from beyond the mouth of the cave. Moonlight poured in from its towering maw, and against the dark and sparkling horizon, I spotted a few wolf-shaped silhouettes. The pack had returned from the hunt.
Before I could stand, Cloud had risen to her paws.
"Wait, Cloud! Let me help."
She ignored me, her legs trembling beneath her weight as she rocked between her haunches and shoulders. I reached her side as she reached forward with a stubborn step. Her muzzle scrunched in pain when her foot made contact with the ground, and the paw gave way beneath her weight. She nearly tumbled forward, but I caught her with my neck before she hit the ground.
"Sit down!" I didn't mean to shout, but the frustration in my tone was hard to stifle. Muttering an apology, I lowered her front half back to the ground, and the lower half of her body slunk with it. "You need to wait for me."
Cloud let out a low growl. "I can walk on my own."
I swallowed the lump in my throat, not wanting to argue. There were things she just couldn't do right now, and she needed to understand that. I kept my muzzle shut anyway, choosing to distract myself with the arrival of food.
"I'll ask Mist if I can bring you something," I told her. "Stay here." I met her glowing eyes: irritated, exhausted. "Please."
Finally, they softened. She gave a slight nod, a defeated breath filling her lungs.
I nuzzled her again, and this time, she didn't completely frown. "I promise, it won't be long. You'll be back to normal in no time. For now, let me help you, like you've always helped me."
The corners of her lips perked just a little. "Okay."
I returned the smile, and I trotted back to our den. The pups were still sleeping inside. I'd thought it best not to wake them for our little detour outside. Now, their mother had returned, and they could once more be her problem. Each lay curled on top of another in the middle of the floor, a pup pile of warmth and a rich, sweet scent that was strangely pungent. I licked each pups' ears until they roused, blinking up at me sleepily.

A Drizzle of Home
FantasyA wolf's life takes an unexpected turn when tragedy strikes and leaves him without a past and with even less hope for the future. A long journey is ahead as he struggles to rediscover himself and the meaning of home. ★☆★☆★ After an accident that Dri...